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"Sorry, But you said to at least let you out alive. I'm afraid I need you out of commission for a while."

You dropped off a badly beaten Ango Infront of Odasakus apartment. You left quickly.

With the information you now had, you went to the blackmarket that sold weapons to get ready for the hell you're about to cause.

Whilst you made deals and bought guns and bombs off of them, you were getting yourself mentally prepared for the amount of death's you're about to truly cause with your own hands.

In a sense, you were keeping your hands clean. You were using your true identity to keep Chuuyas hands clean of these deaths.

Being here has truly desensitized you quite a bit to the life of the Mafia. You honestly had no Loyalties with the Mafia, but if you had to risk killing others to save the people you've grown to care for from going down dark paths, so be it.

You strapped yourself up with guns, stuffed many grenades inside a bag, and immediately tossed out hundreds, upon hundreds, of gun shells.

You kicked down the door, and immediately you shot all of the gun shells towards the hundreds of people who happened to be in the entrance.

You jumped over all the dead bodies and kept on moving forward, never looking back.

You noticed there was many people ready to shoot guns and throw bombs at you, but you were heavily prepared for all kinda of outcomes.

You ripped apart a support beam and used it to throw all the people into the wall. You let go of the support beam and grabbed two grenades from your bag and threw them at the people.

More people were dead.

The deeper you entered the warehouse, the more people died. You ran past many tubes with fetuses in them, children, and people of all variety's.

Once you reached the end, you saw there was only one person standing.

"You." You said, pointing at him "Tell me, where is the boss?"

"Whatever do you mean? For such an organization, do you truly believe there is only one boss?"

"Dont tell me.." you said narrowing your eyes at him "..that the whole organization runs on multiple bosses?!"

"Why of course." He said nonchalantly "There is no true boss. To truly eliminate us, you'd have to go on a world wide massacre."

You took a deep breath "If that's what I need to do, so be it." You said taking your gun out and walked a little closer to him, while maintaining a distance "Where are the other bases?"

He smirked "That's for you to figure out."

You neared him, and kicked him back towards the wall, the wall cracking in the process.

"Unless I'm daydreaming, Id say your quite eager to die." You said analyzing him "Almost like you're willing to give your life to keep this place secret, why?"

He stayed quiet.

"..Did this place give you a purpose? Were you a walking puppet perhaps before you came? Did these people fill that hole in your heart? Or did they perhaps take part in creating..you."

"You keep your nose outta my damn business!" He snarled "Where I come from, who I am, and who is my family does not matter."

"Ah, so they did make you then." You said nearing him "C2387" you said reading the numbers on his neck "Let me guess, you weren't good enough so they threw you in here to work."

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" He said rushing to you with a knife, quickly swinging it at you.

You dodged, his attacks were rather messy and sloppy, he was very underprepared for fighting.

"You- you wouldn't understand! Nobody does! I never fucking asked to be here! But what else am I to do?! I didn't meet their expectations the second they saw me! You goddamn ability users..curse all of you and your kind!" He said getting quicker with his attacks.

You were unphased.

"I wouldn't understand? How would you know that?" You said grabbing the knife in between your fingers "I never asked to be here either."

You quickly swiped his feet off the ground and trapped him.

"You see this?" You said moving the collar of of your neck, showing the lettering of A5158 "I'm just like you, struggling to find a place to belong and how to be human." You said grabbing your knife and holding it near his throat "If you pity yourself and your existence, you'll be miserable."

He stayed absolutely silent.

"I get it now..kill me." He said smiling "Kill me."

"..Why would I do that?"

"Because you killing me will finally prove my worth and free me." He said "I'll tell you where the bases are, but in return you free my brothers and sisters from this place we call life."

You nodded.

"We have five major bases around Yokohama. They're near the busiest places, children's parks, schools, ice cream places, arcades, and near the slums."

"Thank you." You said slitting his throat "May you find peace." You said standing up, walking away from the dead man.

You activated a bomb in the middle of the building, and quickly fled the scene.

You made sure to rub yourself with some grass and dirt to loose your scent, for safety precautions you even moved yourself out of your hotel and went out to find another hotel.

You found an abandoned home, and it was near the edges of Yokohama.

You had to plan out your next moves strategically and carefully, one slip up could lead you in jail. To do all of this, you weren't sure how long it would take. A month? Perhaps six?

You were alone, dealing with how to kill thousands of people.

"Thousands of people.." you whispered out, not even feeling a twinge of guilt "Why don't I feel guilty..?"

You were deep in thought, until you realized.

"I don't see them as human lives."

That was eye opening, you were taking their lives so easily because they weren't human to you. You came from your world, and while being aware that the reality you're in is filled with anime characters, you never completely fathomed that everyone you meet is still actually human.

"Huh.." you said staring out at the broken window into the night sky..

"I miss them.." you whispered out, reminiscing to your memories from back in your world. Where you ever going to go back? Where you stuck here?

God, you've never felt more alone in your life.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now