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You turned to the voice, and there you saw Chuuya locked up in a cage.

You immediately ran over and saw the lock on it, it was missing a key. But where could the key be? And where were you?

You saw Chuuya calmly sitting down with his head back on the cage. You wanted to freak out, the real Chuuya was right there, in arms reach. The badass dude you thought was cool is RIGHT THERE.

"Woah I didn't know my body housed a fangirl.." he said shuddering and looking at you in disgust "I can hear everything in your pretty little head."

You immediately shut up and decided to speak.

"Where are we?"

He shrugged "Dunno but it's probably a place in...our head?"

You sighed and sat criss cross in front of Chuuya.

"I'm sorry for suddenly appearing in your body,  I feel like I violated your privacy with all the memories I received from-"

"Shut up." He said interrupting you, you lifted your head up to look at him "Don't apologize, I feel the same way with your memories. I guess our memories both clashed with each other, so I received yours."

You nodded and honestly, you didn't know where to start with Chuuya.

He saw your conflicted face and spoke up instead.

"Hey, I know it might be hard being in a body that isn't yours, but don't let yourself think about it too much. I know how it feels to..be in a body that isn't yours. You're still human though, you're still yourself."

You nodded and took his advice, you didn't want to have an Identity Crisis anytime soon, and hopefully you wouldn't.

"Continuing on, I apologize in advance for all the shitty things you'll have to go through while being me."

You scooted closer to the cage, and Chuuya also came closer.

"What do you mean?"

"Cmon. I'm a Mafiaso, I kill and I torture, my ability is destruction itself. However, I can't let you put me..or you..in a position that'll get us killed. I don't know how to solve..this...but I'm hoping it'll resolve on its own."

You nodded in understanding "I agree, however I think I might..endanger our life a couple times-"

Chuuya reached for your shirt and held you close to him.

"You're in control, I am the vessel. Remember that."

You pulled his hand away from your shirt "Right right, now listen to what I plan on doing while I am here."

You lost track of time, but you explained to Chuuya your plans, and he criticized you and was angry as to why you would want to be a traitor to the Mafia.

"But- Mori gave me somewhere to be when I had nothing else. Sure, it's fucked. But thats my own fault for letting Dazai trick me into it."

"But while Dazai did do that, Mori leveraged the sheep against you, saying he'd kill you."

"I know that already! I joined to protect them, despite them not trusting me anymore. It was my fault."

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now