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There was no way you were going to tell him the truth.

"The fuck do you mean who am I? Have you hit your fucking head or something Mackarel?"

That wasn't the answer he was looking for, because a menacing look grew on his face.

"You can't say that. I come to your apartment hoping to annoy you, and then when I come in I see you on the ground, flustered and hair a mess, as a women."

He tightened his grip "Not to mention that you went out without your suit, Chuuya never does that."

You could see the real Dazai come out of him, but you couldn't help but feel..intrigued instead of scared.

You had read somewhere that a persons true character is exposed when they are put in stressed situations.

This is who Dazai really is, the Dazai that everyone fears, and the Dazai that stays hidden under the personas he's made.

"Chuuya also never takes off his collar.." he narrowed his eyes, and he genuinely seemed like he was about to kill you.

Yet again, you were taken out of control.

You let Chuuya you're assuming handle the situation, next thing you knew Dazai was kneeling on the ground holding his dick.

Once you were back, you laughed and pulled Dazai to look at you by his hair.

"People change you womanizer. When you try to pick up a pretty lady, don't pin them on the wall and step on their leg." You said grinning before letting his head fall, and you walking away to the nearby stores.

Except..you were lazy.

You opened the nearby window, and jumped out.

Dazai saw, and he shot up running to the window. Then he saw you free falling to the floor, he was almost about to yell until he saw the red cover your figure.

He almost passed out, Why?

Because you WERE in fact Chuuya.

'What happened to my sheepdog??'


You were absolutely having the time of your life getting new clothes. Dressing up and finding clothes that fit you was fun.

You left with a couple bags, and you were wearing one of your newer outfits right now. Instead of wearing that outfit he wore when he was 16, you decided to get the outfit the wore when he was 22.

You loved it.

The coat almost seemed like a cape, and you felt a mixture of excitement and pride fill you as you walked out of the store.

Now with that out of the way, you decided that you were going to find a place to think about your next moves. You had to form plans for the future, and for the present.

You found yourself on top of a skyscraper, writing down in paper and pen important events that are going to happen.

From what you've gathered, these are the most importantant..

-Dazai has yet to meet Akutagawa, when that happens you want to be the one to take him in.

You stopped writing and blankly stared at that name, you haven't met him, and you probably wouldn't because he's low ranked.

But, what could you do about him dying? If he didn't die, Dazai wouldn't get the push he needs to go to the other side. A high possibility being that Dazai kills Mori, and becomes the new Mafia leader, with you as his bodyguard..

you shuddered.

On the other hand, what if you completely lost it and went off the rails? You didn't have the same restrictions here then what you had in your own world. You weren't held back by your reputation and the high expectations people had for you.

If you did go off the rails, you'd leave the Mafia and go underground. You had explicitly said earlier that you aren't used to death and torture like the people in the Port Mafia are, and you had no reason to stay.

Perhaps you'd leave, taking Odasaku with you. Or perhaps..

You grinned.

Perhaps you were a little too good at this, what if you lived a double life? Nobody would expect Chuuya to betray the Mafia. Besides, there's no bad in familiarizing yourself with the people who will eventually help you with your plan.

You planned on taking Yosano to Odasaku, and helping him out. Dazai will come to the location and find Odasakus blood on the ground, but him not there. You'll help Odasaku clear his Criminal records, and hopefully find him a place in the ADA.

As for Dazai, you'll leave a note with a message and a location. You'll be standing nearby and watch Odasaku and Dazai. You'll let Odasaku explain himself and what he plans on doing next.

The plan wasn't solid, and it had many flaws.

You sighed heavily and sat laid back, staring at the sky.

Slowly, you found yourself shutting your eyes.

When you opened them, you were in a landscape.

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