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"I'll clean it up."

You grabbed a napkin and picked the food up, completely acting normal.

Ango on the other hand was speechless.

You walked back to the table and sat down Infront of him smiling.

"Hi Ango! How have you been?"

"You..you're supposed to be.." he breathed out.

"Dead?" You said "Oh please, You think I'd go out so easily? Don't make me laugh." You said grinning.

You watched Ango attentively, there was two ways this meeting could go.

Both of them in your favor, of course.

"You're alive." He said recollecting himself, sighing in relief "That's good."

"Huh? How so?" You said curiously, knowing exactly what he meant.

"Dazai said he'd have my head gone the second he finds confirmation that you're actually dead." Ango said pushing up his glasses "Don't get me wrong Nakahara, you're a decent person, even though I'm not all that fond of you, but thank god you're alive."

"Oh yeah, sorry for beating you up that one time a long time ago." You said scratching your head "Don't get me wrong I didn't want to injure you, but you would've interfered with my plans."

"It's fine, everything's worked out on its own." He said dismissively "When you said you were a traitor on the phone..what did you mean?"

"I'm just like you." You said "It's fun and kinda exhilarating honestly, I can't believe you were a traitor to so many people."

"Wait what?" He said "You.."

"I'm not with the Port Mafia anymore." You said grinning "Bet you didn't see that coming."

"But how? How did you leave alive? He said in disbelief "Dazai was very protective of you.."

"Yeah I heard he got really possessive of me after I 'died', but truth is I don't really hold him that dear to me." You said "Let's say..I disappeared for a couple of months, and I've come back. But nobody except you knows about me being alive."

"Out with it Nakahara, there's something you want from me isn't there?" Ango said holding tightly onto the napkin.

"Yes there is, In return for saving Odasaku from dying in that miss-"

"Huh?" He said "Odasakus alive!?"

You turned and took a quick peek at your surroundings before giving him a warning look "Tone it down Ango."


"Yes, he's alive." You said brushing him off and taking a piece of his meal "I took his place of being shot."

"..What do you want? I owe you one." Ango said defeated.

"Amazing! I need you to tell me where the page of the book the government has stored is." You said smiling.

"We don't have the book." Ango said shutting you down.

"Oh I know you have it and know where it is, Ango." You said pressing on "We can do this the easy way and your agency doesn't get attacked, or you can fulfill my favor, and I will leave you alone."

The air was tense, Ango and you having a stare down for what felt like forever.

Eventually, he gave in.

"I know where it is, But I cannot give it to you." He said "I don't know what you want with it, but it's best to be left in the arms of the Government."

"Oh Ango, aren't you a loyal little dog to the Government?" You said teasingly "However, that just isn't going to work." You said lowering your voice.

"What do you plan to do if I don't give it to you?" He said narrowing his eyes at you.

"Get it myself." You said "One way or another."

Ango stayed silent.

"Don't you forget I know where Odasaku resides, I don't mind finishing him once and for all." You said twirling the butter knife around your fingers "The choice is yours."

He watched you play with the knife.

Seriously, what the hell was wrong with you? Making him choose between his job or the life of his friend.

"..Fine." He said making up his mind "This is a difficult position to be put in, but I am grateful that my friend got to live." He said grabbing a note and writing on it with a pen he had.

You couldn't be happier, he had obliged to your request.

"We never met, I never told you where it was, and this didn't happen." Ango said standing up and leaving the bill on the table "I don't know what you plan to do with the paper, but you're known for making rational decisions that benefit more than just you."

"I got it." You said grabbing the piece of paper hidden under the bill "We never met, You never told me where it was, and this didn't happen." You said stretching and turning around to leave "Nice seeing you Ango, take care."

The two of you parted ways, you launching yourself quickly through the city with your ability.

You made it to your house with ease, opening the door and locking it.

You turned to go look for Atsushi, and you found him sleeping on the couch with drinks and snacks surrounding him.

You looked at the movie he was watching, and it was a scary movie.

You smiled and draped the blanket over him, turning off the T.V and putting the snacks and cans in the garbage or were they belong.

Personally, you'd never watch a scary movie alone. That's just you though.

Moving on, you walked up stairs and got ready to go to bed.

You laid down and couldn't help but feel content and fulfilled, you were finally going to fix this place, and make sure everything goes back to the way it was.

You reminisced on the deep detail you put on the sheet of paper, the whole world was going to be perfect when you finally got your hands on that sheet of paper.

Falling alseep with a smile on your face, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes, allowing yourself to finally rest.

Be excited for the next following chapters. This story is slowly going to come to and end, and I cannot wait to show you all the ending I have planned out.

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