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"Boss, rumors have spread of a new entity appearing and causing havoc amongst Yokohama."

Dazai looked at the files brought to him, and the evidence was truly unsettling.

The entity looked like something out of this world. It looked like a girl, but it's long locs made it look like an Angel Of Death.

Truly unsettling.

"What can this entity do?" He said crossing his legs over one another.

"The entity alone has caused a massacre." Gin said "The Entity kills like there is no tomorrow, they've taken down almost 25% of the Yokohama population."

"Wait what?!" Dazai said standing up from his desk suddenly "What ability does it possess to do such a thing?!"

Gin had never seen Dazai loose his cool like this, ever.

"They- they have the ability to crush you with just a touch." Gin said "However, we've been having trouble pinpointing the actual ability itself because of how diverse it's method's of killing have been, and how tactical it appears to be."

Dazai put his coat on and began writing a long lengthy letter with ink.

Gin watched her boss move with efficiency, clearly he's bothered by the amount of people that have been massacred in such a short amount of time.

Who wouldn't be though? Twenty five percent of the population in Yokohama is 931,250 people dead.

"Gin, make sure the Armed Defective Agency gets delivered this letter promptly." He said handing it to her "We cannot waste anymore time to take action."

Approximately an hour later, the Boss was having a meeting with the President of the Armed Detective Agency, Fukuzawa.

"What is this offer you spoke of, Dazai?" Fukuzawa said narrowing his eyes.

"President, as you may have heard there has been the deaths of 931,250 in one week." Dazai said, ignoring the protection Fukuzawa had brought "Yokohama is beautiful, As the Port Mafia Boss, my job is to protect this city from any danger." He said "My offer isn't of any Interest of the Port Mafia, but rather the city as a whole."

"What is it?"

"Let us push aside our differences and come together to take down the Entity that's cursed this city of ours." Dazai said "They have taken the lives of far too many people, let us not allow them to take more."

Fukuzawa thought for a brief moment, before accepting.

"I agree, this peace offering will be over when the entity has been taken down. Understood?"

"Crystal." Dazai said "I will share with you the information I've gathered about the Individual."

"We will do the same." Fukuzawa said.

They both exchanged information, and the thing's they found were unsettling.

Clearly the Armed Detective Agency had more information since they take cases that involve Ability users or highly dangerous people.

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