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"I don't like you."

"Okay?" You said to your partner as you two walked down the hallway "I think you're quite annoying too."

"No, I don't like you because you remind me of her."

You stopped walking and awkwardly looked at your partner "Uh..sorry?"

"No, I mean you're the embodiment of what she was. She was fearless, she got things done, she had amazing charisma, she was able to lead many without even knowing it.." she said dazing off.

You scratched your head, did she mean...

"Executive Chuuya had an amazing legacy left behind, and I don't like you because you remind me of the huge loss the Port Mafia took when she suddenly disappeared.."

"Oh, Is she someone you looked up to?" You asked.

"Somewhat yeah, she broke the female stereotype and oppression we had going on in the Port Mafia dynamic, the only lady in power here is Koyou, the Executive. But even then, she's very modest and polite."

"Do you even hear yourself?" You said confused "Koyou was the one who trained and taught Chuuya everything. Koyou is strong, fearless, and she's able to lead many."

"Yeah but there's a difference between the two, Chuuya was real." She said "Chuuya wasn't power hungry, Chuuya wasn't so distant away from her underlings, Chuuya had a mutual respect going on even with her lower ranking comrades." She said looking off into a distance.

You decided to dig for more now that she was getting vulnerable with the topic of the Port Mafia "When you say loss...what exactly do you mean?"

"Oh come on don't act dumb." She said "If executive Chuuya were still here, The Mafias influence well would've spread outside of Japan."

This was news to you..

"Even now she still holds so much influence. After her sudden disappearance, many organizations have been looking for her, hoping to recruit her if she didn't actually die."

You were left deep in thought, people were after you. You knew that much, but what you didn't know was that you had perhaps created followers in the Port Mafia.

"Say, do you like our current boss?"

"Of course, he's done everything he could to look for any traces of Chuuya. I respect him for realizing our executives worth here."

You nodded "I see..."

You then looked at a clock on the wall "Sorry, I gotta go."

"Huh? But we still have night patrol?"

"I gotta go to the bathroom."

You walked off, leaving your partner confused.

Now then, time to find your subordinate.

You walked down the hall and saw the familiar door being guarded by guards.

"What is your business here?"

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now