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You were currently sitting down in the middle of the room, contemplating on how to exactly go about it.

"Let's see..children's parks, schools, ice cream places, arcades, and near the slums." You muttered "They would quickly figure out my pattern, and that would be bad. How can I do this in a way where I can attack two places at the same time?"

You were deep in thought..

"Wait..what about Q?" You said tapping your chin "That would be too cruel, Q is only 7 or 8, and I would somehow need to get them out and get Dazai involved.."

You sighed, you had two powerful abilities in hand, and you were pretty limited with your options right now.

Suddenly a cat appeared, a far too familiar cat you've seen.

"Oh? To what do I owe the presence of you, sensei?" You said, petting the cat "Have you come to scold me? Or help me?"

The cat merely meowed and started licking its paw, you sighed and ignored the thing for now.

"A missile?..no too many casualties from innocent bystanders..cause a virus outbreak? No..that could go wrong in so many ways.." you sighed in defeat, laying yourself down and staring at the ceiling.

"Hold on..." you said springing back up and looking at the map "It's near the slums..what if I took in the kid a little sooner than expected?" You thought about it for a second before laughing and falling back down.

"Who am I kidding? That kid does not deserve to be burdened with my own problems and a death count of over hundreds." You sighed, utterly defeated "Sensei, what should I do?"

He meowed and placed his paw on the Port Mafia.

"You want me to get them involved? I'm a traitor to that place." You said waving the cat off "You aren't any help, leave me alone kitty and don't get involved."

You stood up and stretched, deciding to leave to get a fresh state of mind.

"You've done a great job at manipulating people lately, why don't you attempt to manipulate a bigger organization? The ones who can legally help you?"

You turned around, only to find the cat was gone.

"Legally help me..oh!" You said rushing to find a pen "Of course! I can't do this all alone, so I'll just get the Special Division For Unusual Powers involved." You said smiling "This is perfect."

You quickly ripped up the paper and got yourself ready for battle. You covered yourself from head to toe, making sure your true identity was concealed.

"Taneda Santoka, I'm coming after you." You said, using your ability to grab apart a huge rock, and quickly riding on it like a skateboard.

You'd be a fool if you straight up walked in with no explanation at all. You'd organize a meeting with him, one way or another.

As you neared the city, you ditched the rock. Instead, you were jumping building to building quickly, until you made it to the ADA rooftop.

There stood Ranpo, sitting down eating snacks.

You finally made it and stood a couple feet away from him "You knew I was coming?"

"Of course, I had faith that your little head of yours would be smart enough to deduct the only safe solution." He handed you a paper with a phone number "This is his phone number."

He turned to leave before turning to you "Remember, I wasn't the one who gave you the number. I didn't help you, and we never knew eachother."

You nodded "Thank you, Ranpo." Was all you said before jumping down into the alleyways and heading off to find the nearest phone box.

When you found it, you quickly entered in a coin in and punched in the number.

He answered very quickly.


Hello Taneda, I'm going to get straight to the point. Meet me at sunset near the building that recently got destroyed."

"Who ar-"

" If you don't meet with me, a god will break loose and Yokohama will cease to exist."

You hung up then phone and quickly rushed out of the phone box. Just as you had predicted, a sniper had fired through it.

You sighed, had the assassination attempts from the Mafia already started? Even when you could wipe out half of their people?

You ran through many different directions, and for a second you had stayed still, awaiting for the bullet.

You quickly dodged it and climbed up the building a speed so fast, your attacker almost didn't dodge. You aimed to grab their neck, but they dodged at the last second.

You turned around and took out your gun, quickly aiming it at their heart, and them aiming a gun at your head.

"So, the Port Mafia knows where I am, huh?" You said "Tell me what order was given, otherwise I'll crush you to death with gravity."

They stayed quiet, only did they speak when they saw you start glowing red.

"Kill Chuuya Nakahara and bring his body back."

You looked at them amused "Say rookie, did Dazai wake up?"

"That is classified information." Is all they said.

You lowered your gun and turned around, they saw their opportunity and shot you. Of course, it didn't touch you with your gravity withholding it.

"I apologize, but unfortunately you're going to have to die." You said turning around and hitting them in the heart with their own bullet.

You dumped their body into a trashcan and fled the scene.

Now you were sitting down near a building close to the destruction sight, since it was marked off by the police already.

You saw a black car pull up, Taneda walked out of the car with a women and a man.

You jumped down the building and prepared to negotiate with the odd man.


Thank you all for your comments, stars, and viewings. I did not expect this book to get any attention, so thank you all for taking the time to read my work :)


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