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"Listen here and listen good, I became friends with [Name] long before we were aware of each others affiliations."

Ranpo couldn't hide it anymore, your whole situation had to come to light because the chances of you being involved somehow with said entity is alarming.

"[Name]?" Dazai said furrowing his brows "I-"

"You know Chuuya. But the person who's been in control of Chuuya is [Name]. [Name] was transported from a different universe and into Chuuyas body." Ranpo said slowly, being careful of Dazais reaction "[Name] can contact Chuuya through being unconscious."

Dazai was silent, taking in the information.

Ranpo could see the drive in his brain working overdrive, and it wasn't long before Dazai smiled, which alarmed the three of them.

"I knew that stupid Idiot couldn't change within a week." He said smiling to himself "Anyways, whoever this [Name] is has done an amazing Job at fulfilling their role as Chuuya, because they even had me fooled."

"Right..as I was saying. Essentially we met eachother because I took care of [Name] whilst she was drunk and tripping over herself in an alleyway." He said recalling back to your first meeting "She's special. She knows everything about the future here. Or rather, knew."

"What?" Dazai said in disbelief.

"I mean that-

"-She used her advantages in this universe to stop events that are normally supposed to happen, not happen. She started a ripple effect, and it only got worse as time passed." Dazai said finishing his sentence.

It was silent for a moment, with Dazai grabbing both of his hands tightly squeezing them, you could see his veins popping out.

"If this said person is taking over Chuuyas body, and they haven't done anything to necessarily harm the Port Mafia or Armed Detective Agency with the information they have..I will not deem them as a threat." He said, pausing to get himself together "..However, When this is all over, allow me to deal with them."

"No." Ranpo said almost immediately "The Agency has protection over her therefore she is under us."

"But she's my member." He said narrowing his eyes "I have to deal with her as she has information about the Port Mafia more than anyone else, for her to become an Executive under the Alias as Chuuya Nakahara is something that cannot be treated so easily."


"She is a grown adult. She knew what she was getting herself into, she knew what the Port Mafia was capable of if she got caught. Don't treat her like shes some girl who doesn't know the consequences of her actions." Dazai said.

Ranpo stayed quiet, and so did Fukuzawa.

"So be it." Ranpo said, giving in because there was no logical way to win this argument without it becoming personal.

"Perfect. The plan will take action when I have the meeting with all the executives of the Port Mafia."

"That's fine, let us know what we will do when the time comes." Fukuzawa said nodding and standing up from his seat "This does not mean we are ally's, I am simply doing my duty of protecting Yokohama."

"As am I, President."

The meeting ended.

After Fukuzawa had left with his subordinates, Dazai couldn't help but gaze at the empty wall, thinking of where it all went wrong..

And where he stood with you and Chuuya, since apparently the person he's become close to and called a friend isn't even the said friend he thought he was befriending.

Would he hate you? Could he hate you? Or would his feelings remain with Chuuya as if you were never there?

What about all the memories the two of you had together for the past three years, did that mean anything to you? To Chuuya?

Dazai didn't know, he doesn't have the answers he wants, and he's utterly conflicted with his personal feelings.

He sighed, he would have to push this aside later. He is the Mafia Boss and has duties to fulfill.

As of right now, an operation had to take place to save Yokohama, and free this entity that has taken down 25% of the Yokohama Population.

The aftermath can wait until later.

Dazai grabbed a piece of paper and started writing down orders and plans for every branch to lead out.

The leaders of these Branches will be the Executives, they will be key to saving Yokohama if they follow he orders they are given.

Dazai looked at his options, his current Executives were Koyou, Akutagawa, Ace, and Paul Verlaine.

Koyou had a good ability for offense, however she's prone to lashing out recklessly with her ability. Such a thing cannot be risked. Shes good at thinking though and giving out orders to others, so she'd be better moving people out and making sure nobody's causing trouble. If the entity does manage to escape, she'd stand a chance.

Ace would be a waste to include, the man is a coward and would never put himself out there to help the city.

Paul verlaine can be in charge of the intelligence Unit along with the Armed Detective Agencys genius, Ranpo.

As for Akutagawa, he's the perfect person to take to help cover for his weak physical prowess, something Chuuya would do normally..

No matter, Akutagawa thanks to being trained by Chuuya..or rather [Name]..Is disciplined and knows every aspect of his ability and how to wield it efficiently. He doesn't give in easily and make reckless moves.

If everything went as planned, than Dazai would soon be able to get his hands on this Entity and put a stop to them.

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