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"Atsushi, do you think you're ready?"


"Alright then, continue this mission without failure." You said through the microphone he had placed in his ear "Prove to me that your training wasn't all in vain."

You cut off, and Atsushi was left to continue on with the mission you had assigned him.

It was nothing too bad from what you had told him, collect a couple papers from an information broker, and leave.

Atsushi waited and waited up in a rooftop, a couple seconds passed, but soon enough a man passed by and dropped a piece of newspaper onto the floor.

Atsushi swiftly dove for it, before quickly clinging onto the wall with his tiger paw and climbing up.

Everything was going planned, he was going to make you proud, and you'd finally praise him-

A red sharp thing shot through the wall, dropping Atsushi down to the floor with a loud thud.

The dust was covering Atsushis opponent, all he could see was a red outlined body, with multiple red spikes coming out of them.

"Fool, what business do you have stepping onto Port Mafia territory?"

Port Mafia territory?

"And why should I tell you?" Atsushi said lowering into a battle stance, waiting for the dust to clear up.

"You are on our territory, I rightfully deserve an answer." The unknown figure said, shooting out a sharp red thing at Atsushi at a speed so fast, he almost didn't react in time.

"But if you won't give it to me, I'll beat it out of you."

The figure walked closer and closer to Atsushi, until finally he could see the stranger.

Atsushis eyes widened, this was the person [Name] had told him to stay away from.

The Mafias Rabid Dog, A Port Mafia Executive.

Atsushi stayed on guard, he had to keep his calm and identify the Rabid Dogs weakness.

"Fool, the winner always strikes first." He said, sending many of his sharp edges at Atsushi, who dodged, using his paw to deflect those that got a little too close to him.

It was only till he hit it that he noticed, his ability was destroying the Rabid Dogs.

"Your tiger can slash through anything."

The Rabid Dog seemed to have noticed, as he jumped back when he realized his ability was being destroyed by the Tiger.

"You're interesting...tell me, what is your name?" The Rabid Dog said smirking.

"I am... the White Reaper."

He had no idea why he said it, it just sounded like the right thing to say.

"Very well then White Reaper, fight me. Fight me until you drop, I haven't fought someone strong in a long time. Makes this worth my time." The Rabid Dog said, getting into a low fighting stance.

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