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"Which Dazai? Chuuya, I'm the same p-"

"Dazai, I'm not kidding. Which one have I been talking to for the past two weeks? Which facade have you been letting out this whole time? The one where you pretend to be the Mafias right hand? The one where you taunt me and manipulate me using my own flaws? Or the perhaps is it the one that hides everything from me until the situation calls for it to drop all the details on me, forcing me to make a decision you predicted. Or let me guess, the one where you distance yourself away from someone because you found yourself getting too comfortable with them?"

The look that Dazai had, that was the most raw emotion you've ever seen on someone who claims to 'not be human.'

However as an attempt to makeup for his slip up, he said.

"What could someone like you know what a human like me is doing?"

You slowly let go the collar of his shirt, and the wave of sadness and disappointment you felt in him saying that, you couldn't tell if that was yours or Chuuyas, but likely both.

What are you going to say "Hey if I'm not human than you aren't either?" That would be a lie.

You backed away, and turned right around, not even bothering to spare him a glance.

The urge to say he was a bad person seemed so good right now, or that he was an asshole, or all of the above. Perhaps even a liar for always believing that Chuuya was a human. Except, you held your tongue.

Now you know what he really thought of Chuuya. When someone is put in stressful situation, they either show strength, or weakness. He had succumbed to weakness after being put under pressure and called out by a work partner, who he thought was just like him.

Not human.

"Wait Chuuya-" he had attempted to grab your wrist, but you walked away from him.

"Chuuya!" He said, desperately trying to get your attention.

"Chuuya stop!" He said, voice cracking.

You could hear his feet hitting the ground, running towards you. You were completely freaked out, why was he running towards you?

You started running, not bothering to look back.

"Chuuya!" He yelled out "Stop!"

You could feel him almost behind you, as a way to escape him, you activated your ability and distanced yourself away from him.

Dazai had stopped when he noticed you had activated Chuuyas ability, his legs gave out under him.

You carefully stared at him, why did he seem more bothered about what he had said instead of you??

Coincidentally, it suddenly got chillier, and dark clouds started appearing. You were familiar with this, it was the calm before a thunderstorm.

You were puzzled, everything you were doing up until now was based on Analysis and what would be the best outcome. But, you didn't know what to do right now.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now