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"I know, but I had to prove to Fukuzawa that I seriously mean no harm."

"Right right..now that meeting the President is done, we have one more thing to do." He said motioning you over to his desk "I have a hunch that both of your abilities haven't reached their limits yet."

"I know, I have been avoiding using my ability to its strongest because Chuuya and I are unaware of what would happen to us if we do." You said plopping down next to Ranpo "But what do you mean about my deduction ability? I doubt there's more to it.."

"Ah ah, that's where you're wrong." He said smirking at you "I think you've been unconsciously limiting your ability to only deducting body language because that is what you excelled at in your past life."

"So..what you're  saying is I DO have an ability like yours." You said "But..that doesn't  make any sense. I always have my eyes open, and I never feel an overload of information.."

"Didn't I say you've been suppressing it?" He said "You have to remove the barrier and let your true ability out, Ill hand you a very hard case to figure out."

"Alright." You said getting comfortable, waiting for the file to be given to you.

"I already solved this, so I will know if you're right or wrong." He said giving you the almost empty file.

You didnt groan or make any noise of dissatisfaction or annoyance, you only picked it up and immediately started to work. 

If Ranpos hunch was right, you could truly be more intelligent than Ranpo. You two have different personalities and clearly, you've already been disciplined enough in your life to not complain, only to get to work. You have to have a weakness, but clearly your personality or work ethic isn't it.

You on the other hand were busy figuring out the case he had handed you.

It was a cold case, the Police decided to hand over the case to the ADA because there was a chance an ability user was involved. You picked up the paper of the victims and observed the state they were found in.

Many stab wounds, stab wounds too close to each other  that seemed like they happened quickly. The shape of the stabs were unnatural, a knife could not do this. Neither a sword, machete, or any weapon of that sorts.

The victim was found in a dumpster, and had nothing out of the ordinary to have attracted someone so suddenly. 

It definitely was an ability user, you figured that much. There's a high chance the women was likely-

"[Name]" You looked at Ranpo "Dont think too much about it, stop and let your mind flow."

"Stop and let my mind..flow?" You said questioningly.

"Mhm, This Ability of yours usually reads body language quickly right? Therefore it should be able to figure this out quickly as well."

You nodded, and you looked at the file and let yourself relax.

Nothing was happening, until suddenly you felt the overflow of information. You were now catching things people wouldn't be able to usually identify. The fingerprints in the back, the hair on the floor, the photograph itself..

In the state you were in, it was likely for a second before you figured out who did it.

"Akutagawa, he was the one who did this." You said calmly closing the folder "How long did I take?" 

"About a minute or so, not bad for your first time." He said sitting down next to you "However, you should be able to do this in merely a second. We can work on that later though."

"..How long will it take for me to make a move?"

"I say give it a month, your body needs to be trained again, and your mind needs to be sharpened." He said handing you a donut "This ones good, try it."

Indeed it was good, perhaps because it was your favorite flavor. However, you didn't question it and enjoyed the delicious donut, the first thing you've eaten since you've woken up.

"Hey Ranpo" You said patting your stomach contently.


"That one time a couple years ago when you sent me off, you said you knew how the whole baby missions was going to end, why didn't you tell me about the chance of me becoming Executive?"

He stayed quiet for a moment, surprised that you remembered that.

"Under your circumstances, if you didnt continue on with the mission you wouldve ended up dead. It was a test of loyalty, and you becoming an Execuitve in the end would be much better than you dying."

You let that information sink in before you nodded, and let yourself enjoy the cool air in the ADA, almost lulling you to sleep.

Ranpo contently was already dozing off, and not long after you also started falling asleep.

Yosano walked in a bit after to tell Ranpo that there was more food ready, when she saw the two of you sleeping. She took a picture, the picture was absolutely adorable.

You were leaning on Ranpos shoulder, and his head was leaning on yours. The both of you were snoring softly, and she couldn't bring herself to disturb the two of you. So, she sneaked away out of Ranpos space and let the two of you be.

Of course, she'd print the picture later and frame it for Ranpo to have.

However she was tasked with an Important duty by Ranpo, asking the President and planning out a training regiment for [Name]. She wasnt quite sure as to how good [Name] is at fighting, so shed have to see that first before deciding how much training she will need.

"Yosano, can I have a word with you about [Name]?" Kunikida said when he saw Yosano walking by.

"Of course, what is it?" She said leaning on his desk.

"I feel like I've seen [Name] somewhere.." He said muttering with a chin on his face "That ginger hair is very familiar, and the eyes too.."

"Well, dont think too much about it. [Name] barely just woke up, you'll have some time to get to know her." Yosano said smiling at Kunikida, putting him at ease.

"Youre right, where is she right now?"

"She's sleeping, I bet shes tired after a long day of talking to Fukuzawa and Ranpo, and everything going on." 

"I bet so, that is why I told her she shouldn't strain herself by walking immediatly after she woke up." He said sighing heavily "Kids are so stubborn."

Yosano perked up at this "Kids?"

"Yeah? Isn't she younger than us?" He said confused.

Yosano was amused "Oh boy, aren't you in for a ride. She's your age actually, eighteen."

Kunikida was utterly horrified, you were his age? You looked so young and.. Immature? How is it possible for you to be his age?

Yosano decided to leave Kunikida alone, seeing she broke him with that new information.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now