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Updating a little early because I'm super busy tomorrow :)
"Have you all lost your minds?! How did some lady and a tiger manage to steal the book from those damn military soldiers?! And escape at that!"

Ango watched from afar the higher ups yell and ridicule the branches of government that were in charge of protecting the book.

"Do you all know what you've done?! That book could be the end of the world if it gets into the wrong hands! Instead of fighting, you all ran away!" A man with grey hair said.

"Not only that, but you all failed to report faster about the break in. The building self destructed, and now we have no proof to find where this tiger and lady are."

"Which leads me to believe that the lady and the tiger have something to do with the existence of this damn Entity."

Ango had a glare in his glasses, was he a fool? Was he the reason as to why 25% of the population is no more? Was it truly Chuuya who had caused all of this? The same person who cared for her subordinates like they were her own?

"I believe we may have a traitor amongst us."

The one thing he didn't want them to suspect.

"They got in too easily, knew exactly where to go, and the code at that."

Everyone started talking amongst themselves, whispers filled the once quiet room.


Everyone immediately shut up.

"Enough fighting, Enough arguing, we are government officials who have a duty, and that is to stop the stupid Entity and find the book." The eldest of them all said "What we need to focus on is getting it back. I leave the rest to you, Tanaeda."


"You are the director of the Special Division for Unusual Powers, are you not?"

"I am."

"I leave it to you, this Entity is something we cannot handle, only your group can."

"Yes sir."
"The target..is inside that building."

"We will have to find a way to get this Entity take down." Fukuchi said as they landed on a tree near the building "Clearly physical attacks will not work. We sliced through the damn thing and did everything we could, yet it regenerates too fast."

"..Maybe we have to hit it everywhere at the same time?" Techou said "If cutting it separately won't work, then maybe we can try cutting it all up at the same time. Maybe even aiming for the head."

"I see, that'll be easier said than done. The thing is too fast for us to likely manage to hit them again." Jono said.

"Leave the speed to me." Fukuchi said with a malicious glint in his eye "I will use my ability to enhance my speed, there is no way that I will be slower than the damn Entity."

"I can sneak up on it from above and take its head." Jono said "There is no chance it could sense my particles from above."


𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now