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"Shiraishi, Sakura, Akane, Hinata, Emma, Estrella, Julia, and Abigail, Right?"

"Yes" Hinata said "Those are our names."

Hinata was seated next to you, behind you in the first row was Julia, Abigail, and Estrella. In the second row was Shiraishi, Sakura, and Akane and Emma.

They were all chatting amongst themselves, whilst you and Hinata made conversation since she was the oldest. She was taken off the streets to become a prostitute when she was 13, and has been working there ever since, when she is now 19.

"Beautiful names." You said "So its Sakura, Akane, and Emma who have living relatives?" 

"Yes, Estrella, Julia, Abigail, and Emma are the ones who lived in different countries."

"I see.. Do you happen to know which countries?"

"I know Emma is from The Unites States, Julia is from Mexico, Abigail I believe is from Colombia, and Estrella is from Spain."

"Okay..." you said letting that sink in "This wont be so hard finding families after all."

"How come?" 

Everyone became quiet and was now listening to you.

"Well, I know a couple people who are information brokers who can help me find a missing person report, which school someone went to, medical records.." You said listing possible sources "And for the rest of you, you can all tell me where you'd like to go, Ill buy you a place and a plane ticket, and Ill pay for the college you all choose to go to."

"But...what if we didn't finish high school?" Akane asked.

"Well, Ill help you all attain your high school certificate if you'd like. I can shorten it so it takes a couple months."

"But...wouldnt it be more expensive?" Emma asked "I feel like you're already doing so much for us.."

"Yeah" Shiraishi said timidly "You've done so much for us.."

"Is there anything at all that you want from us?" Sakura asked.

You immediately shook your head "Nope, Im just happy to get you bunch back up onto your feet and giving you a fair shot at life." 

"Oh! How could I forget? What is your name?" Hinata asked you.

"I didn't tell you all? Where are my manners. My name is....

Chuuya Nakahara."

You were about to use your actual name, but for the safety of the girls and yours, it would be better if you remained anonymous.

"Chuuya? That's a really pretty name!" Abigail said.

"Yeah, its so unique. Ive never heard of that name before, or seen someone with such pretty ginger hair."

"Right? It's so wavy too, Im jealous." 

"I can hear you!" You said flustered as you pulled into your driveway "Anyways, this is my home."

Everyone got so quiet.

Your home outside the Port Mafia was big, you liked having a lot of space for yourself, and your backyard was huge.

"Wow.." Hinata mumbled.

You parked the car "Alright, Everyone out. Ill give you all a quick tour and show you all your rooms."

"Will we be alone?" Shiraishi said worriedly.

Everyone was anxiously waiting for what you would say.

"Of course not, I planned on having two in each room." You said hopping out of the car "Cmon!" 

Everyone got out and you showed them the bedrooms, the bathrooms, the kitchen, the library, the music room, and your reading room. 

"You can all split yourselves how you all would like. There is king beds in each room so I hope none of you mind sharing the mattress..." You said.

"Not at all." Hinata said "It's perfectly fine, thank you for giving us a place to stay."

"Thank you." Everyone else said.

"You're welcome. Sleep tight." You said to them, before turning around and heading downstairs.

You walked down the halls and entered your room. It was huge and had your favorite color as the theme. In the corner was a painting you made of your basketball team and your coach. 

You walked to your bed and sat down, picking up the picture you had on your nightstand. It was a picture of your mom and dad. For the past two years, your memory of them has started to become hazy, and that scared you. So, you drew this picture.

You missed them.

Your grip on the frame tightened, and your vision became blurry from the tears that were starting to form in your eyes. 

Out of the seven billion people in your world, why were you chosen to give up your life?

Ah, who were you kidding?

There was no point in your pointless crying and whining for your family or loved ones, they can't hear you, and your whining and crying was practically a waste of time and energy.

It was pathetic, had you really stooped so low to start pitying yourself? 

You slapped yourself on the face. 

You weren't going to cry anymore for them, its been two years. They were 18, you were 18, and everyone's likely moved on from the team you all once were and gone their own ways.

At this point you should do the same, stop reminiscing on childish memory's and hope, and actually start enjoying your time here and getting close with people without the fear that you will have to leave them when the time comes.

Cause right now, its looking like you'll be stuck here.

Whether it be forever, or a couple of years.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now