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"[Name], do you think someone who's mentally weak and still physically recovering from being unconscious for three months can save people? Going after them is an actual suicide mission, and you already know I dont want you to die."

You let what he said sink in, and he was right. You were weak physically, you could feel your legs shaking when you did all that walking, and you knew you had lost a couple pounds. One could only wonder what effects being unconscious has had on your strength.

You felt absolute rage for letting yourself be taken off guard, had you not endured the bullet wounds, your plan would've succeeded and everything would be different. How did it go wrong is just..seconds? What happened that day?

You needed answers.

"You also need to let go of the past." Chuuya said sighing at you "You're a hopeless cause, why dwell on something you can't change anymore? Your anger is useless, put that anger into something else."

"You're really annoying." You said "I could hit you right now."

"Am I annoying? Or am I annoying because you know I'm right?"

"Can you shut up already smart mouth?" You said snapping at him "If you complain so much why dont you do all that shit? I should be weak enough for you to easily take over anyways."

"And let you run away from your problems that you caused? Yeah no thanks." Chuuya said "Ill tell you one thing though." He said putting a hand on your head unexpectedly.

"I know you more than you think, If I think you can't do it anymore, I will take over." 

He took his hand off "This is nothing, you're capable of handling this situation with ease. Don't let something small like this knock you down on your feet."

You two stayed like that for a moment before you sighed.

"You're right...gosh I feel so stupid." You said backing away with a smile.

There's millions of things Chuuya could name about you that is weird, and maybe the weirdest thing of them all is probably..

You smile at the weirdest times.

"Why are you smiling?" He said looking at you weirdly "Generally, you tend to smile at really weird times, why?"

"Isn't it obvious? I do that to make myself feel happy and trick myself into thinking I like what Im doing." You said stretching "I don't like pain, I really don't. Like that one time I got hit across the face by the dude, you think I liked that? Hell no." You said faintly rubbing your cheek.

"You think I like killing? I don't." You said recalling all of the faces of your victims from your time here "However I have tricked myself into thinking I like it, I don't feel guilty, and I don't care." You said like it was nothing.

"..You're confusing.." he admitted to you "How is someone like you normal in your own world? You have everyone fooled that you're some Mafia prodigy here, not many people can pull that off...let alone normal people." He said.

"We have different definitions of normal." You said dismissing him "We have important matters to deal with that will temporarily slow down our search for a solution, you okay with that?"

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now