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"Yosano..Do I really have to spar with Kunikida?" 

"Yes, Ranpo and I need to see how far you are with your combat skills and strength." She said "You know, You don't seem all that serious about this spar.."

"I could wipe him with the floor." You said stretching "I was the best fighter from where I'm from." 

Ranpo and Yosano made eye contact with each other for a split second, that was new information to the both of them.

"Well I can only hope your statement is true. Kunikida has been Training with Fukuzawa." She said walking away to stand by Ranpo. The President was the one overseeing this match.

"The winner of this Duel will be decided by who can get the other to tap out. This is a physical fight, no abilities are allowed to be used." He said gazing at the two of you "On my mark, the two of you start." He stepped away from the two of you.

"Three, Two, one..begin!"

You made the first move.

You faked a punch at Kunikida before throwing a punch at his gut.

He grabbed your hands and restricted your movement, something was off though.

He could've totally thrown you to the floor right now.

"You..Take me seriously you wimp!" You said gritting your teeth and freeing yourself, quickly swiping his feet off the ground at a speed so fast, it was almost undetectable.

"I am taking you seriously." He said from being restricted under your hold.

"Clearly not, you aren't fighting back!" You said pulling his arms back, making him groan.

"Oh but I am." He said freeing his hands, quickly going to elbow you in the face.

There it was, the switch has been flipped.

You swiftly avoided his elbow by grabbing it, and forcing his momentum to roll over so he was facing you.

He kicked you in the gut, which made you fly back a bit.

You groaned in pain before looking up and swiftly dodging his kick to your head, the strength there was probably enough to render you unconscious AGAIN.

You were now on the defensive side, dodging and covering the blows he was throwing at you, he was getting stronger and stronger with each blow.

We're you really going to let this man beat you? 

You caught his punch in your palm and let your body start fighting back instinctively, no longer thinking where you were going to hit and when.

And it worked, it looked like you were dancing to the spectators.

You were kicking, dodging, jumping, twirling, and doing all sorts of things.

There was no doubt in anyones mind that when Kunikida had tapped out, that you were in fact the best fighter in the Port Mafia.

Panting, you slicked your hair back and looked at the others "How'd I do?"

"Amazing.." Yosano said "It doesn't even look like you were bedridden.."

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now