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You showed no emotion, you couldn't. For yours and hopefully Chuuyas own sake of living right now, you couldn't wear your emotions on your sleeves.

You just stared at Dazai blankly, waiting to see what he could do next.

This could go a couple of ways, you had a knack of thinking and making decisions quickly due to playing sports, and also having Chuuyas memories and intuition help you out.


The bastard could actually torture you, or kill you if he finds out you aren't the Chuuya he knows.

Why? Its simple.

He could never kill Chuuya.

But, he can kill you.

Or 2.

He understands the situation you two are in, and due to your ability and how naive you may seem, he might try and manipulate you.

Once again, it's simple.

You were foreign to everything around you, culture and language included. In your life, you came from a hispanic background and was first gen, growing up learning english in ESL classes.

Or 3...

Dazai thinks your an ability user, and kills you.

All in all, most of the outcomes were horrible.

"..why do you have...breasts...?"

You AND Chuuya would've never predicted THIS outcome.

You clicked your tongue and moved your head to the side. You were too ashamed at yourself right now, you hated when injuries held you back, and from the memories you've gathered, Chuuya does too.

You also were too scared to speak, you didn't know if your voice had become higher pitched than Chuuyas.

You heard footsteps walking towards you, and you didn't dare move. You saw Dazai bend down, and place his hand out, towards you.

'Oh I'm dead..'

He unexpectedly grabbed your chin, and turned your face towards him.

You had your eyes shut, too scared to look at the most dangerous Mafia Executive stare at you.

"Chuuya...open your eyes."

You were far too scared, you felt like something was squeezing your lungs, and it felt like you were dreaming right now.

"Chuuya. Open your eyes."

There it was, the tone he used in most of Chuuyas memories to order him around.

You slowly opened your eyes, breath slightly catching in your throat when you got a close up of Dazais face.

He stayed quiet, he looked into your eyes, and it felt like all your secrets were unraveled, and you felt bare.

Even in your life, you've never felt so bare. You had high expectations in your other life, Being Team Captain for two of your sports team was not easy, if you fell then the whole team would go down with you. To add on to that, there was some if not any hispanic representation on any of the female sports teams. People had high expectations for you.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now