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You walked down a staircase, and it reeked of smoke and alcohol, and chattering could be heard from multiple men.

"She's a beauty ain't she? Ill let you get use of her for a couple thousand."

"A couple thousand?"

"Of course, don't you see her eyes? Her olive skin? Her long hair and curvy figure? She's exotic, one of a kind."

The only thing that could be heard was a gunshot fired, and everyone froze. The prostitutes cried out in fear and ran to the back.

"You wouldn't happen to be Mr.Satoru, right?" You said glaring at the man sitting on the sofa.

The guys around him inched back, leaving him by himself near you.

"And if I am?" He said crossing his legs over, looking at you "What is it that you want? I was in the middle of business."

"I would watch my tone, Mr.Satoru." You said glowing red "You're speaking to a Port Mafia executive right now."

"A women as a Port Mafia Executive? How cute." He said glowing blue "Watch your tone, You're speaking to someone of great strength."

You stayed quiet, re-evaluating how you were going to go about this situation. You couldn't get him angered, he'd kill the people standing by.

"My apologies, I was being silly wasn't I? To attempt to challenge someone as strong as you sir, someone must be stupid." You said deactivating your ability and bowing.

"Haha you're a funny one aren't ya?" He said amused "What is it that you want?"

"Pardon my intrusion, I have come here do deliver an offer from the Port Mafia." You said raising your head and standing straight, looking at him.

"They want to make you one of our biggest business partners. we give you money, and you give us them." You said motioning to the ladies.

"Oh? And since when was the Mafia ever interested in these whores?"

"Our men have needs just like everyone else." You said "We would like to offer you a million dollars."

The guy was practically seeing stars.

"A million? To provide you guys with these whores? There must be a catch." He said in disbelief.

"There is, you give us the footage of what happened in the back alleyway."

"The back alleyway footage? Why?" He said narrowing his eyes at you.

"Our men have been disappearing, I see no reason for you to refuse since getting business here has gotten a lot harder."

The guy stayed silent, before sighing and smirking.

"Pathetic of them to send a women here, guess you'll have to be disposed of with them too, sorry Sweetheart." He said activating his ability.

You threw a Gun shell at him, and it bounced off of him.

"That's it? I can't touch you? That's your pathetically strong ability?" You said holding in your giggles "The ability is weak if the user themself is weak." 

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now