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"Man..I think those were by far the worst two weeks of my life."

"Worst? Kid, you're way stronger than you used to be, believe me." Ranpo said munching on food "You should be glad it was only two weeks."

"Right right.." You said grabbing some food from Ranpo "Now that my trainings over, you do know what I plan on doing right?"

The air suddenly got tense, and Ranpo slowly opened his eyes and looked at you disapprovingly.

"I do, But I'm not letting you do that."


"[Name], No. We both know how it will turn out, what will you achieve from possibly getting yourself killed by Dazai?" Ranpo said "You're foolish for thinking that you could change him, you can't. Dazai isn't the person you used to know, he isn't your work partner or childhood friend anymore, he's the leader of the Port Mafia."

"..Look, I know the chance of me not being able to change him are seemingly low but-"

"[Name]." Ranpo said narrowing his eyes at you "Be realistic. What are you going to do after you so call manage to change Dazai? He can't live a normal life, and as much as Yosano and I wouldn't like to, we still have a job to do."

How could you forget?

You stayed silent and shut your eyes momentarily.

These people are still on the opposing side

"...Okay." You said opening your eyes and making eye contact with Ranpo, who's eyes widened.

"Don't. Don't do that." He said as he watched you stand "Don't make us your enemies [Name]!" He said desperately trying to stop you from walking out the door.

"Enemies?" You said stopping from Ranpo tugging on your wrist.

You turned to make eye contact with him "I could never be your enemy."

You pulled away your wrist from Ranpo "For the greater good and to not put you all in danger, I must leave."

"Leave? You're leaving?" Kunikida said in disbelief, coming out of the Presidents office.

You stayed quiet, with your hand turning the door knob, and Ranpo pulling you back.

"[Name], what's going on?" He said walking up to you and putting a hand to your shoulder "You were going to leave without any explanation? Aren't we friends?"

You gritted your teeth, and with fast movement you knocked both of them away from you with your kick. Of course, you didn't do it to harm them. 

You started glowing red, threatening the both of them.

"Hey Kunikida, you remember how you told me once you thought you've seen me somewhere?" You said slowly lifting your head up to make eye contact with him "I think its time I formally introduce myself."

"[NAME]!" Ranpo said looking at you with desperation.

You smirked at Kunikida "I am Chuuya Nakahara of the Port Mafia, Youngest Executive In History."

His eyes widened in shock. The person who he was starting to call family was from the Port Mafia, the opposing side.

"Fool, you actually thought I was Innocent? You thought our time together was genuine?" You said tauntingly "Those taunts, Dinners, movies, none of that meant anything to me. I hate people who are like you."


"Ideals are silly to live by. You know this already don't you? No matter how many times your ideals may falter, you always find yourself hopelessly following them, In hopes to make an 'Ideal world'. How delusional." You said rolling your eyes "Your ideals don't mean shit when you someday hope to be free of them."

No more.

"[NAME]!" Ranpo gritted out and went to grab you by the collar of your shirt "Enough with your trash! I know you meant none of that, and I know you would never hurt us!." 

"Is that so?"

Ranpo was so sure when he had said this, but when he saw that look in your eyes, for the first time in his life..

He felt doubt.

You smacked his arm away from your shirt and you kicked him towards Kunikida, who was frozen from everything that had just happened.

The both of them went crashing into the wall.

You ran towards them and pressed a pressure point on the both of them, making them unconscious.

You sighed, and carefully removed your hand away from the both of them.

You turned around and rushed out of the ADA through a window nearby.

With them out of the way, you now had to focus on what the hells happening with the Port Mafia, and if its anything like the BEAST novel. However you wouldn't go to Dazai directly, you'd go to your trusted subordinates, Akutagawa and Gin.

How you were going to approach them would be something to think about, and if you could even manage to find their locations as well..

Simple, you'd look for a crime Akutagawa has recently committed and illegally look through the Information they have on file.

However you would need to go undercover again. 

You covered yourself with a hood and went shopping with some leftover cash you had from before, chances are if they got radar that you recently used your card, they'd quickly find out that you are alive.

So cash it is.

You bought a wig, colored contacts, and a brown coat.

You were ready to go out and face the troubles of this world, and finally put an end to the shit you started.

You took a cigar out of your pocket, lit it up, and Inhaled deeply.

Fixing your problems was going to be quite a challenge.

But knowing yourself, you know you got it. You always manage to overcome the odds, even when they aren't in your favor.


"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

Not much of a shocker, but I will be going on break for a week once again. I need time to write out the following chapters so I hopefully wont need to take another break to catch up.

Stay tuned for the next update on August 27th, 2022.


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