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"You want me to tell my partner?"

"Of course, your partner will know what to do next. Trust them and their instinct."

"..Okay, what after?"

"Follow your partners plan."

You sighed "I- man." You said deflating "Do I really have to tell him?"

"Yes. Quit being such a wuss and get on with it."

You sighed and stood up "Guess so, huh? I'll let you know how it goes."

He shook his head "No need, I already know how this is going to end."

You looked at him intrigued "How's it going to end?"

He shook his head and smiled cheekily "Sorry. I can't say."

You looked at him unamused, before grabbing the paper and bidding him farewell.

"Oh, and [Name]?" He said right before you walked out the door. You stopped and turned to him.

"You should stop by more often." He said sending you a cheeky smile "I wouldn't mind sharing my sweets with my subordinate."

You smiled "I'd love to. I'll bring plenty of sweets next time."

And with that, you left the ADA as quickly as you could through the back alleyways. Of course, making sure nobody would see you.

You entered through the main building and went to your office. When you entered your office, you had forgotten that Dazai was in there.

He was sitting down quietly working on another pile, and you had noticed it was your pile.

You bit your lip and sighed before walking over to Dazai and sitting down in front of him.

"Look who decided to finally show up." He said, not even bothering to look up at you.

You stayed quiet, trying to find the right words to say with the situation the two of you are in.

"You didn't have to do my paperwork..but I greatly appreciate it." You said, finding the right words to try and lead it to the topic you want to speak about "Uhm..something came up that involves the both of us..and I want to speak about this to you in a more...private area."

He finally looked up at you and analyzed your face, you were clearly stressed and anxious about whatever the situation was.

"Is that why you didn't get sleep last night?"

"That, and because I was ambushed by two people." You said shrugging it off and quickly digging through your drawer for the file "I left it here somewhere.."

"Ambushed? And you didn't call me to help with the torturing?"

You looked up at him confused "Of course not. I am capable of torturing information of out people myself."

He shrugged and leaned back into the chair "A second helping hand wouldn't have been bad."

You found the file. "I have the file here, but.." you leaned across the desk and pulled Dazai closer to you by his tie, whispering in his ear "Let's go to a more private area that doesn't have cameras."

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now