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"Hirotsu, Tachihara, Gin." 

"Please continue on with your day normally, we will be hiding in the shadows for any potential threats."

"There will be no need for that." You said dismissing Hirotus "The threat isn't near me right now, matter of fact they will not be near me again until later."

"Who is the threat? We will have to tell Boss about this." Tachihara said.

You smirked before turning to them "Sorry, you can't defeat this threat though."

"Can't defeat the threat? We're the black Lizards, we can defeat anyone." 

"You sure you guys could defeat the Boss?" You said lifting your head high.

Silence washed over the three of them, they had no Idea it was the Boss who had planted that bomb in your car.

"I apologize for having to watch over you then, Executive." Hirotsu said getting on one knee "I wouldn't do it, But Boss has strictly ordered for us to stay near you at all costs."

You sighed heavily "Fine, so be it."

The three of them dispersed into the shadows. 

You stretched and started walking the other way towards where your intended location was, I'm talking about across the city type of far. Once you deemed it far enough, you stopped in an alleyway.

You walked through it like normal, until a tiger came flying out of the shadows towards you. The Black Lizard immediately came out of hiding and attempted to fight the tiger, but it rushed through them like it was nothing.

The tiger threw Hirotsu towards a wall, and ran at Tachihara who was shooting at the tiger.

"Executive! Retreat!" Tachihara said as the tiger got closer to him.

It stopped suddenly though, and nudged its head onto Tachihara, making him confused. Was this an enemy or ally?

"Sorry Tachi, don't take this personally." You said sneaking up behind him and injecting him with anesthesia.

Tachihara immediately fell into your arms, before passing out. You gently laid him on the ground near Hirotsu, tying the both of them up and hiding them somewhere safe.

"Teacher, why didn't you knock me out?"

You turned to Gin who was staring at the tiger.

"You're going to lend me a helping hand of course!" You said smiling before turning to the tiger.

"Good job! You managed to do that without faltering." You said petting the tiger on its head "Now head on back home, make sure nobody sees you in this form okay?"

The tiger nodded and leaped into the dark alleyways, with the sound of its paws thumping fading away.

Almost like a switch was flipped, your attitude and aura did a whole turn.

"Gin, do not fall behind. Otherwise I will leave you behind." You said turning to her slightly before jumping up the building by the balcony's outside. Gin of course followed closely behind you, never once slowing down the fast speed you were going at.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now