Get to know the Author

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Hi Friends! I've decided that you should all get to know me a bit since I am the one writing this book, there is a lot of interesting things I have to say so lets get right to it!

1. Ive never watched or read all of Bungou Stray Dogs...

Im ashamed LMAOO, I haven't had time to watch it or read all of the Manga and Anime. The only reason I am aware of these characters and their personalities and plot is because I've gotten spoilers TOOOO many times to count on my for you page.

The only reason I ever became aware of Bungou Stray Dogs is because majority of my mutuals on my editing account are BSD fans, and I always saw Dazai so I thought he was the mc of the anime..boy was I WRONG.

2. I am a student athlete.

Honestly Im doing my best to balance out School, Sports, Personal Life, and Writing. I feel like it is unfair to all of you if I suddenly just went AFK and stopped writing, I know how it feels to be on the other end of the stick and suddenly hear a story you were so interested in reading was Discontinued.

I promise I wont do that, I only take breaks so I can get at least 10 chapters ahead of the current page posted.

3. I am a Editor.

Yeah, how cliche. I make edits on TikTok of anime characters.

Ill give you all a hint, my name starts with a y and has a Yosano pfp.

4. I am 15 years old, shocker.

Yes you all heard that right, I am 15 years old. I like to think my writing skills and story telling are decent, I can only hope that this year I will improve so I can hopefully write another fanfic for you all!

Which leads me to my next point...

5. I have never written a book, and never gotten past 5 chapters.

For the past three years I always tried writing stories, yet they always flopped or I reached a dead end because I didnt find them interesting or enjoyable anymore. I decided to make a story where I can kinda have some leeway with the plot, I find that I hate following the storyline for animes, Its tiring and boring for me to just repeat the anime with a character included.

So, I decided to why not just include the major events as a character I find the most interesting, Chuuya.

Round of applause for me, because Ive never gotten to 10, 20, 30, let alone 40 chapters until this book was made!

6. My next option to choose to take their place was going to be Atsushi or Yosano.

I like Yosano, and I rarely see any books of her so... yeah. Atushsi was an option just because he's the MC.

7. One of the hardest people for me to write is Dazai.

Yeah, I honestly struggle with writing a lot of characters because I dont want to make them too far off from their canon personalities or morals. However, Dazai I find is one of the hardest.

Hes just so..unpredictable. You can never really tell what hes going to do, because his IQ is far more greater than most peoples in the Anime.

8. I like reading books about psychology.

I am currently reading "The Laws Of Human Nature", highly recommend for anyone interested in psychology.

This is generally why [Name] appears stranger than most with the actions she takes and why shes survived for so long. Shes very aware of peoples body language and mannerisms.

Also how her second ability was inspired.

9. This story is made with the motivation that a lot of OC inserts are very not like me.

I find that the OC inserts frustrates me a lot in stories because they do stuff I would never do😭. I never leave hate comments though, I just put my frustration into making this book.

I would hope [Name] doesn't make you guys mad with her actions..with a few being dismissed because lets be real, a character isn't enjoyable if they don't make mistakes.

10. I listen to songs that kinda put me in a space with the BSD universe.

When I am writing I put songs that give me BSD vibes, it just makes writing more easy.

I also do it because I dont want the story to make it seem like BSD is a happy place where there isn't struggles, I have to remind myself this is a place where people die for the sake of someone's benefit, people are constantly manipulated, a lot of characters see the world in grey, etc.

11. I already have the ending planned out.

Yeah you heard me, the ending is already planned out in my notebook.

I just need to write it out and get the events in motion.

12. Mori was eliminated early on for various reasons..

Reason number one being I like to do unexpected things with my story. I didn't know what to do next with the plot, at all. So I was thinking, what is something major that could totally throw off the Anime plot? Oh I know, Killing Mori.

Reason number two, originally he was going to be a reoccurring character and someone who gets in the way of [Names] plans, but I decided not to go down that route for the sake of the ending.

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