5.6K 367 148

"Wow, you look horrible."

You blinked and noticed Dazai was standing in front of your desk, when did he come in?

You sighed and grabbed your files and put them into your desk, you don't want anybody to find out about your embarrassing situation.

"Thanks?" You grumbled, yawning into your hand, tears welling up on the sides of your eyes.

"That's not a compliment. Did you get sick?"

You shook your head "Nope. I'm fine."

Dazai narrowed his eyes at you "You suck at lying. Did you sleep?"

"Of course." You said, getting started on paperwork "I'd appreciate being left alone Dazai, I have to catch up on some work."

"Would it kill you stop lying? Seriously, I'd believe you but you look horrible."

"I know that already! Can I do my work now, please?" You snapped.

Dazai looked at you curiously "Why do you want to be alone so badly? Are you hiding something?"

"What? Of course not! Would it kill to just have some alone time for myself?"

"And do what? Work?"

"Yes!" You said exasperatedly "Yes do my fucking work! Some of us have stuff to do."

Dazai shrugged "Not my fault Mori doesn't hand me any paperwork." He grabbed half of your stack and placed it down infront of him.

You stared at him blankly "..what are you doing?"

"Helping you, of course!"

You just stared at him, maybe you were being far too cautious but you didn't want to be indebted to Dazai for helping you out.


He stared at you surprised before he sighed "Shortstack, you know it's okay to depend on me sometimes for help right?"

"Exactly. I don't particularly want help right now."

Dazai narrowed his eyes, and In a serious tone said "You either do half, or none."

"..Huh?" You said confused "What do you mean? This is my paperwork."

"Half or none."

You stared at him in disbelief, you put your hands under the table and unconsciously bent it.

"Half it is." You said through your teeth, practically fuming at this motherfuckers attitude.

The two of you worked on the paperwork quietly, until you just stopped and stared at a paper you were reading and filling out.

'Huh? Where did the Port Mafia get these 100,000 dollars from?'

You attempted to read what the abbreviation said, and you noticed it said something along the lines of 'SKK'

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now