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It was already noon of the next day, and you were currently heading towards the curry restaurant.

You weren't even a bit afraid, being an Executive for two years has had you doing borderline suicide missions that had a chance of you not making it back alive. However, you were known for defying the odds.

Only once did the Mafia think you genuinely died, and that was when you hadn't turned up when you were supposed to come back to report your mission. It took you only being half a day late for Mori to send out men and lower class Mafia members to look for you.

However that story can be told some other time.

You went inside pretending to act clueless.

"Old Man! Are you open?" You said opening the door and entering the quiet curry shop. Right after you entered, you felt someone come up behind you and knock you out cold.

Or so they thought, your head was stronger than it looked. That dull hit was nothing, even Dazais may be harder. However you faked being knocked out and let them take you inside the van, that was likely holding explosives inside.

Once you deemed it long enough and heard footsteps outside, you shot up and knocked out the two men inside. You cracked open the window and shot yourself outside with great speed, the van throwing you far from the explosion.

You landed a couple inches in front of Odasaku, with Adrenaline pumping through your veins.

"That was so fucking cool." You said smiling like you've won the lottery "So exhilarating, man I haven't done something like that in a while." You said standing up quickly and brushing off the dust from your pants.

"You're bleeding." Odasaku said, slightly sighing in relief at seeing you acting normal.

"Am I?" You said searching around your body "where?"

"Right here." He said wiping your blood off with a cloth "It's fine, its nothing too bad."

You nodded "Did you get the location?"

"Of course." He said handing you a paper "Does this look right?"

You looked over the paper, and the location was still the same. Nothing seemed to have changed.

"Yeah, its all correct." You said handing him the paper back "Go fight him."

"Are you sure?" He said looking at you "It's pretty risky you know? What if you don't make it in time?"

"I will." You said looking at him disapprovingly "I will make it in time." You then threw at him a bullet, which he caught.

"A bullet?"

"Shoot that at Gide." You said "Shoot it at him whenever, just make sure it isn't the last blow."

"What does it do, Chuuya?"

"It'll make him disorientated and slow."

That was the last thing you said to him before he turned around and started heading towards the location. You watched his figure fade away, before slamming your foot down in frustration.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now