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When you woke up, you woke up slightly anxious..

"Good morning! How'd you sleep [Name]?" Ranpo said entering the room with a tray of pancakes on it.

You smiled "Good morning Ranpo, I slept well, thank you for letting me stay the night."

He placed the tray down on your lap and sat down on the chair next to you "It's no biggie, you can repay me the favor by telling me about your situation."

You nodded taking a bite out of the pancakes, they were delicious.

"Well heres how it started. I'm a normal teenage girl who lived in the U.S for majority of my life, I am the first of my family to be born there. I was a student athlete. Oh by the way, In my world abilities don't exist." You said sipping out of the cup of milk.

He nodded "Like I was saying, I was finishing up practice and heading on home until I saw a pin of Chuuya on the ground. When I picked it up I lost consciousness, I regained consciousness again while he was in the middle of a meeting with the Port Mafia and their Executives."

Ranpo noticed there was something you weren't telling him, and he took a closer look at you.

"Ah, you have two gifts don't you?"

Your eyes widened "How'd you figure that out?"

"I saw the way you were looking at me, whether unconsciously or not you were analyzing me, its the way I stare at people or things when I analyze them."

You nodded "I'm not sure what my gift can do, but I can see actions of people and deduct what they're feeling."

His eyes widened in fascination, did he hear that right?

"Wait- repeat that again?"

"..I can deduct what people are feeling by their body language...?"

"KID WHAT THE HECK!?" He said standing up and pointing an accusing finger at you "I-THATS MY JOB!"

You reeled back "My ability is only limited to people, you can see the bigger picture of things."

"Oh yeah, you're right." He said sitting back down "Forgive me for my outburst, but I have an offer for you."

You looked at him confused "Offer?"

"Precisely, Someone with your nature doesn't deserve to be stuck somewhere filled with death and torture. For a 16 year old in the Port Mafia, it is not too late to change and see the other side."

You narrowed your eyes at him "What's the catch?"

"I will take you on as a subordinate, and you will get the work environment you want."

You looked at him with a smirk "You seem to surprise me more and more, Detective."

"You tell me, would a normal girl want to be around death and gruesome things, or be on the side that helps people?"

"..helps people."

"Exactly! Which is why I believe my offer will benefit the both of us."

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now