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"Hey watch it newbie!" Officer Aizawa said.

"My apologies!" [Name] said bowing before quickly scurrying off to put the cases away.

You heard that right, [Name] was working inside the Police. She was working as a secretary for them, and in her free time when she wasn't working she was putting away cases.

Of course our dear [Name] didn't care about whatever was going on in the department, for she was far too busy reading cases, in hopes to find one about the Port Mafia.

This happened in the span of two weeks. [Name] had met an officer when he was on patrol, got to know him a bit, tell him about her interests and where she was hoping to work, and she landed herself a job right with the Police.

He was quite a man. He was a stern individual who was all about work this, work that, but he was good looking. So, you waited it it out until you had managed to make it seem like you were an innocent women looking for a job.

"[Name], here's your usual." Officer Karasuma said handing you a coffee "I passed by the cafe we met at."

You grabbed the coffee "Thank you Karasuma, I really needed this right now." You said chugging down the hot coffee down your throat.

"How are you enjoying it here?" He said making small talk.

"It's amazing, Im glad that you told me about this job opportunity here. The people are amazing, and helping the Officers here with work is amazing."

"Im glad to hear." He said giving you a rare smile "Having you here has made work a lot easier."

"Is that so? Ill continue to work diligently then!" You said with a charming smile.

"Yeah, I was wondering if later we could-"

"Officer Karasuma! The Chief needs you right now." His walkie-talkie said, abruptly ruining the moment.

He visibly got irritated, he grabbed the walkie-talkie and spoke into it "Ill be there immediately."

He sighed and looked at you with a nod "You heard, I gotta go [Name]." He said ruffling your hair "Don't overwork yourself too much, Ill catch you later." He said with a gaze that made you want to melt into a puddle.

"Of course, Ill see you later." You said nodding.

He slowly took his hand off of your head and walked down the hallway with his back towards you, seeming to fade away until he was no longer there.

You gulped, before letting out a yell that wasn't auditable at all. You put your hands on your face and covered it, that was the most interesting romantic thing to ever happen to you in your life.

After you recovered from that, you had come to find out one thing about yourself that day..

Older men are so fine.

You shook it off and continued putting the files away, until one caught your hand.

It was a classified file, and those usually never go in this pile that you put away, they are to be kept in the Chiefs office.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now