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"Dazai, Chuuya."

The both of you stood next to one another, waiting for what he was going to say.

"The reason you two are here was because there was a change in..instructions." He said sighing and placing a hand under his chin.

"You two are to destroy everything in the deck."

"Why the change?" Dazai said, narrowing his eyes at Mori.

"Well, Id assume you already figured it out. But, we found out everyone in the deck has taken part in traitorous acts." He grinned sadisticly and played with his scalpel in one hand.

"Such a thing cannot be forgiven. For their actions, I expect death."

You both nodded in understanding, however deep inside.. you had a horrible feeling.

Traitorous acts...death.

Ah, you were screwed.

"That will be all, I expect this done in two days."

"Make it one." Dazai said breaking the tense silence "One day."

Mori smirked "Very well, I expect no less from the two of you, Twin Dark."

You both left the room, you holding your breath until you left the office.

Oh you were screwed, maybe beyond screwed, dead.
Dazai had indirectly just told you he wants you to use Arahabiki.

However, you had promised Chuuya you wouldn't do that.

You gritted your teeth and entered the elevator quietly, too deep in thought to Notice Dazai was oddly silent, also deep in thought.

'That bastard will likely tug some strings and make a sequence of events play out that will force me into having to activate it. However, I have a couple strings up my sleeves. First off, Chuuya and I are two completely different people. Chuuyas tactical IQ mixed in with my creativity...'

You couldn't help but grin.

'That's a deadly combination. Not to mention I have Oda's lucky pistols. These babys haven't ever failed him.'

You remembered though a quote from a book you once read..

'Let other people do the dirty work for you, you keep your hands clean.'

Amazing, you already had a plan set up.

You relaxed ever so slightly and left the elevator with a newfound confidence. With all the adrenaline pumping through your veins, it felt like you were going to start a game of Basketball.

The two of you were driven to the assigned Port, they dropped you off on the outskirts of the property and quickly left.

You turned to Dazai to see what he had to say.

"There's about 1000 people in the Deck." He said looking at the huge building "I can only do so much."

You already knew where this was going.

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