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It was late at night, and the only thing that could be heard was the whistling of the wind..

"Chuuya." Oda said acknowledging you "I'm glad you got my message, now let's discuss about what the coffee you were going to treat me was."

You laughed and sat down with a ball in your hand "Right to the point I see, well."

You threw the ball towards Odasaku, and he obviously caught it.

"In two year's you're going to die." You said casually as if it wasn't news to you.

Oda on the other hand was staring at you, growing more and more alert and suspicious of you with what you had just said.

"I'm going to die? How?"

"Let's start from the beginning. In two years from now the plan for the Port Mafia to get the Special Ability permit to operate business from the government is going to happen." You then pointed at Odasaku "You my friend, we're a pawn Mori disposed of to make all that happen."


"Gladly. Foreign ability users who entered Japan illegally will come in two years, and Mori will have aided them into coming in. The leader, a man named Gide, will be the one pursuing you for you to kill him."

"Why would I believe you?"

"Because you wouldn't happen to know about five orphans, right? Kosuke, Katsumi, Yu, Shinji, and Sakura, right?"

He narrowed his eyes at you "How do you know about them? Nobody in the Mafia is aware of them."

"I know your future." You said shrugging and turning around "But of course if you want those five orphans to die by a car explosion, so-"


You had just dodged the bullet in time, turning around slightly to see Oda.

"Oh my, no need to get so hostile. I'm merely here to help you."

He lowered his gun and looked at you straight in the eye "I'll listen to what you have to say, Chuuya."

"Great! Now about the dessert I was talking about...

You wouldn't happen to know who Natsume Sōseki is, right?"

"I do, I met him-"

"In a cafe, and he gave you advice about writing which lead to you not killing anyone in the Mafia, right?" You said cutting him off.

He nodded.

"Let's say, I pulled a couple strings and can make your dream happen."

He looked at you suspiciously yet again, and you sensed his mistrust in you.

"You're a strong Mafiaso for your age, how can I be so sure you weren't sent here to test my loyalties?"

"Because I don't give a damn about Loyalties. I do what I please."

You then pointed at him, and coincidentally the moonlight was blaring down at your figure.

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