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The mans bodyguards tensed and were ready for combat.

"Who are you?"

"Who I am doesn't matter." You threw him a paper, and he quickly caught it.

"Read it, I promise it isn't anything dangerous."

He hesitantly opened up the letter and saw what it contained, before looking at you.

"We do not deal with such things. We merely watch over ability users, only taking illegal acts when needed." He said scoffing.

"Ah ah, Natsume said I can get help from all of you." You said, smirking when you saw the man was visibly caught off guard.

"Natsume? Do you have proof of this?"

"Of course~" you threw him a note you had found attached to your attire. The note contained the signature of Natsume, and a small message inside it.

Taneda sighed "Fine. We will take care of the buildings..only if you tell us who you are."

"[Name]." You said "I will lend you all a hand. Let me handle the base near the slums."

He raised a brow but decided not to question it "Very well, me and my branch will take care of the rest of the areas."

You nodded, and quickly disappeared in the blink of an eye.

You had to take care of your business, and fast. While on your way to the location, you thought about what methods you will use..

You blanked out.

Chuuya had taken over your consciousness, you didn't try to fight him about it either.

He entered the building in such a dramatic manner, typical Chuuya. After, he got his hands dirtied by grabbing a gun and shooting everyone who dared to cross his path.

They shot at him, and he threw the bullets back at them like it was nothing. After, he stuck onto the wall and ricocheted off people, stabbing them with his knives at a very fast rate.

The whole warehouse filled with thousands, was dead in under ten minutes.

Chuuya grabbed a bunch of grenades and pulled the trigger for all of them. He quickly fled out, and the whole building exploded, before erupting into huge flames.

[Name], you're an idiot for trying to keep your hands clean." He said outloud "Make your life easier and do it the more efficient and easier way."

You quickly gained back control, and were surprised with what Chuuya had told you.

"Theres no point anymore. Our kill count is beyond unfathomable at this point, surely they won't catch on to who exactly did it though." You said sighing and quickly fleeing the scene into the slums.

You walked slowly through the slums, ignoring the stares of the people who were peeking at you through worn down buildings. You walked deeper and deeper into the slums, until finally you came across the little group of children who you were looking for.

They were inside a building speaking to eachother in hushed tones, Akutagawa was silently watching them, Gin was talking to the others, and the children seemed to be talking about the lack of food they had.

You observed them, they seemed beyond malnourished, but they had somehow managed to survive until they were killed, so they'd figure something out.

Doesn't mean you can't give them a helping hand.

You quickly launched yourself into the room like a bullet, you felt Rashomon attempt to stab you, but you dodged with ease. You dropped a handful of money in the middle of all the children and left.

Akutagawa hurriedly attempted to go after you, but you were gone. Truth was, you were on the roof, watching them through the broken hole.


"This..can't be.."

"This could feed us for weeks! We have to be careful with it."


You let a small smile fall on your face before you decided to turn around and take your leave.

However, you were still in hiding. You couldn't walk in until Dazai did something about the order that's been placed onto you. You decided to waste time by going to checkout the other locations.

What you saw wasn't what you had expected, they were arresting people rather than killing them.

Of course, why would they kill thousands of people?

You watched them be placed in multiple vehicles, and you assumed this is what was going on in all the locations right now.

You checked your coats pockets and checked what materials you had right now, and it wasn't exactly what you wanted it to be.

You clicked your tongue and in a flash, went inside all the vehicles, mercilessly killing every single person, who all died with a smile on their faces.

"Thank you." The last person said smiling.

You moved on from there to the neighboring locations, if they weren't going to do it right, then you would just have to finish the job.

By the time you had finished, you breathed in hard. You were drenched in blood, your hands were covered with it, and you could no longer see the silver part of your knife.

You just stared and stared at your hand, before closing it and shutting your eyes.

'You were a fool for attempting to keep yourself sane and innocent here, that just isn't possible.'

You sighed and turned around, heading back into the abandoned house on the outskirts of Yokohama.

The second you walked in, you abruptly stopped.

Was the world fucking with you right now?

On the floor was a mirror, the mirror was a third person point of view of your world.

You quickly ran over to it and picked it up, closely looking at the contents it was showing you.

And you teared up, absolutely turning into a sobbing mess.

In the mirror was your team celebrating your moms birthday with her, you saw everybody was happy and enjoying their time together, except..

There was a seat placed with a picture of you.

Did they think you were dead? Had they not attempted to search for you? How much time has gone by in your own world?

When you left, your moms birthday was 8 months away..8 months had passed of you being gone..

You would've rather gone your whole existence here not being conscious of the amount of time you were missing in your real world.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now