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"I just- I just want my body, my life, my friends, my everything back."

Chuuya had reached his breaking point, he realized that with you coming here, he had really reached the short end of the stick, and you felt horrible for not searching for a solution to your problems with more urgency.

So as best as you could with the stupid cage in the way, you reached towards Chuuya and hugged him through the cage.

"Leave me alone!" He snapped, pushing your arms away from him "Don't! Don't even act like you're sorry when your busy living a content and happy life!"

You stayed quiet, because for the first time since you came here, you felt like an Asshole. He was right, he was here suffering the whole time, and you were out and about enjoying his life, his life.

"You're right." You said, surprising him "You're absolutely right, you have every right to be mad at me, if this cage wasn't here I'd even let you beat me."

"Damn right." He said snarling.

"..I'm an idiot, a complete idiot for trying to live a life like yours as if it was mine." You continued "What do you think I should do to find a solution, Chuuya?"

He stayed quiet, trying to think of possible solutions to attempt to get the two of you out of this mess.

"Maybe the book?"

"Huh?" You said interested in what he had to say "What about the book? How do you know about it?

"Well you just suddenly came into this universe, with a gift, and into my body." He said deep in thought "that's all too..coincidental. I know about the book because of your memories."

"Makes sense..Wait so are you saying someone likely got the book and wrote on it about me?" You said in surprise.

"Possibly, yes." He said "So, the book should be something you should aim for."

"Hehe you see.." you said scratching your head "I can't get ahold of the book, the protector of the book is a mere child right now."

"Huh?" He said "Oh yeah, Atsushi."


"Don't you think you should befriend the kid early than? So he can be in your favor?"

"That's..a good point.." you said tapping your chin deep in thought "Okay, that doesn't sound so bad." You said stretching "I'll befriend the protector, and eventually attempt to get my hands on the book."

"You better do it with more urgency, [Name]." He said pointing a finger at you "Don't get me wrong, you're a decent person, but that lack of urgency reallyy pisses me off."

"Yeah yeah I get it." You said waving him off and turning around "I'll see you later."

Before you left though you stopped.

"...just a little bit longer, Chuuya." You said loud enough for him to hear before leaving.
You woke up fresh and with a new goal in mind, to befriend Atsushi.

You got ready and dressed in civilian clothes, and disguised as yourself from your own world, and headed out early in the morning to the Orphanage.

You couldn't enter the Orphanage, if the Port Mafia were to find out about where you are heading, they'd likely torture the owners to see if you had came here.

You saw in the backyard there was many children playing, the little ones where running around, and in the corner you saw Atsushi.

Atsushi was reading a book, and it seemed like everyone was ignoring his presence. However he didn't seem bothered by it since he was indulged in his book.

From what you remember, Atsushi was socially isolated from the children by his caretakers, and he was verbally and physically abused.

You took a peek to see if anybody was paying attention or for any cameras or caretakers, and none were in sight.

You jumped inside, and carefully made your way to Atsushi. You stopped in front of Atsushi, who noticed you walking up to him, and he seemed frightened by you.

"Hello, Atsushi." You said smiling at him warmly, making sure to make the teen not afraid of you "My name is [Name], and I've gotten permission from the caretakers to take you out today."

He still didn't trust you.

"Uhm..are you sure? Will I get in trouble?"

"Yes, and no you will not get in trouble." You reached your hand out for him to grab, and he immediately flinched.

"..Sorry." He mumbled grabbing your hand.

"It's okay." You said softly, leading him towards the back of the yard.

"Why are we going through the back?"

"Dunno, caretakers said something about the children being afraid of your something." You said opening the gate discreetly with your gravity.

"That makes sense..are you afraid of me?" He said stopping "and why'd you choose to be with me?"

"Of course I'm not afraid of you, Kid." You said reaching your hand out slowly to rub his hair "I chose you because you seemed like you needed some fun."

"Huh?" He said completely not buying your lame ass excuse "Fun?"

"Yeah! I was thinking we get some food first, is there something you'd like?"

"Yes please.." he mumbled out, and you heard his stomach rumble. It was now that you took notice of the chain marks around his wrist, indicating that he was chained up in his cell recently and starved for a couple days, but even so he still manages to be respectful.

"What is it that you want?" You said "I'll get you anything you'd like."


"Okay, I know a spot that sells amazing Chazuke." You said entering an undercover car you owned, Atsushi cautiously opening the door and entering.

"What is this?" He said pointing to the seatbelt.

"Thats a seatbelt, it goes over your chest to protect yourself from a car crash." You explained turning on your car and reversing out the parking spot.

Atsushi watched in amazement, he'd never been in a car, let alone out of the Orphanage. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous.

You however, were doing a good job at attempting to make him feel more comfortable, you seemed nice and like you didn't have any intentions of harming him, but he wasn't going to judge too fast either.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now