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You slowly peeled open your eyes, and rolled over your bed to see what time it is..

Only to see Dazai next to you, coat off, bandages disheveled, and shirt riding up. He was flushed and sweating profusely.

You blinked once, twice, and thrice.

You were utterly confused, you remember about to come into your apartment but passing out. How much time had passed? A couple hours?

You reached over his body for your phone and checked the date, and you almost dropped it in disbelief.

A whole day had passed.

What had happened in that day? Clearly you were unconscious because you don't remember any of it.

You heard Dazai groan and toss around in his sleep. You couldn't help but observe him, you were utterly surprised he'd allowed himself to sleep next to you. You saw the way his chest was slowly rising up and down, indicating he was asleep.

You got out of the bed and went out to your kitchen. On the counter, you noticed there was soup and a note.

'Hi Chuuya~ unfortunately, I forgot to tell you that poison tends to affect me much later on. You were unconscious for a whole day, and I made this soup for when you wake up. Sorry for sleeping on your bed, the couch was not doing a sick man any justice. -Dazai'

You shook your head and looked at the soup, it was clearly hot still so he hadn't gone to your bed long ago.

You sat down and drank the soup..trying your best to not gag it out because you had completely forgotten this is Dazai who had made your soup.

You went to the sink and spit it out. It had far too much salt, and..the taste was so utterly bad.

You decided to make a soup instead, It was an alphabetical soup. That soup had something in it that made it so..tasty.

You got to work, and when the soup was ready you served yourself some and enjoyed it.

After finishing your soup you decided to head on back to your room, where you found Dazai grumbling and tossing and turning.

"Too..hot.." he muttered. You noticed that he had gotten wayy more sweatier, so you begrudgingly undid the buttons of his shirt, and he noticeably calmed down a bit.

You went to go get an ice pack from your freezer, and you placed it right ontop of his forehead. The second it made contact with him, he settled down and stopped moving so much.

You let him rest for most of the day, with you on your phone and playing games, taking pictures of the both of you, doing chores around your house..

It was no fun when Dazai was sick.

You had to wait a long 8 hours before he finally woke up, but when he was sick, the dumbass was brutally honest, letting everything he thought of slip out of his mouth.

"Wow you're really short..if I stood on my knees I think I'd still be taller than you." He muttered out, making himself laugh.

You looked at him unamused, seriously the first thing he says when he wakes up is that?

You were about to move to go pour him some soup when he pulled you towards him by the wrist.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 || 𝐟!𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐛𝐬𝐝Where stories live. Discover now