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"Chuuya, you put your life on the line for the sake of the Mafia, and for that I can't thank you enough for wiping out the organization."

You blinked once, twice, and thrice. Did you hear him correctly?

"It's okay boss, I simply did what I had promised I would do when I pledged my loyalty to the Mafia and you." You said getting on one knee.

Mori put a hand on his chin and looked at you seriously "Your actions are contradicting themselves, you have withheld many secret's from me up until this point, is there anything you want to say?"

You already knew this was coming.

"Forgive me, Boss. But, I have been lying about my biological gender since I've entered the Mafia." You lifted your head and looked at him in the eyes "I am a girl."

He nodded "Anything else?"

"..Did you purposely put the paper on my desk for me to see?" You said, narrowing your eyes slightly.

He smirked "And If I did?"

"It was a test of loyalty wasn't it?" You said, not daring to let out your irritation.

"Of course. I have seen you and Dazai getting quite close, and I just had to make sure that your loyalty is with the Mafia." He said playing with his scalpel "And you passed with flying colors, perhaps even with bonus points for getting the Special Division For Unusual Powers somehow involved."

He stabbed the scalpel into his desk "Do you know how important you are to the Mafia? Your capabilities have surpassed farther than I had expected for this test, just how did you get them to handle your dirty work?" He said intrigued.

"Luck." You said stuffing your hands in your coat "Pure luck."

"I'm not totally believing that."

"Luck and some threatening." You said finishing your sentence.

"Thats more like it. You know, I'm really starting to like you, Chuuya." He said fondly, standing up and handing you a coat.

"Or should I say, Executive Chuuya Nakahara?"

You were at loss for words.

"Wait what?"

"You heard me. With such ability to perform under pressure and doing everything for the sake of the Mafia even when your life and reputation is in danger, don't you think someone who did all of that like it was nothing deserves to be acknowledged?"

Your mouth was dry, you had utterly fucked up. No, perhaps even more than that.

"Wait wait, what about Dazai?" You said pushing the coat away from you slightly.

"What about Dazai?" Mori questioned.

"That-that idiot was supposed to logically be the one beating me to the spot as youngest executive!" You said "I can't.."

"You can, and you will." He said draping the coat over your shoulders "When it is Dazais time to rise, I shall allow him to be an executive as well."

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