Chapter 22

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Jennifer's POV

'Wanna go shopping today?' Loren texted me. 'Of course' I texted back. 'I'm gonna be there in half an hour' She replied.

Since Emme and Max are at home and I don't wanna leave them alone I called Lynda and asked her to come over and gladly she said yes.

"Emme? Max?" I called.

"What?" Emme shouted back.

"You two come into the kitchen." I replied and soon the two were standing in front of me.

"Loren wants me to go shopping with her."

"Do we have to come with you." Max asked annoyed.

"Change your attitude." I said sternly and gave him a harsh look. "Your aunt Lynda is coming over in half an hour." I told them and they both nodded. "I'm gonna get ready." I said and they both went back into their bedrooms.


"So you and Leah?" Loren smirked as soon as I got into her car.

"Mhm." I smiled.

"I always thought you're stra-" She said but immediately got cut off. "Stop. I can't hear this sentence anymore. I'd be rich if I'd get a dollar for every time someone told me this."

"For real... I always thought you like dicks." Loren said.

"I still like dicks but Leah made me realize that I also like pussy." I nervously giggled, slightly being uncomfortable with the situation.

"Tell me more..." Loren chuckled.

"You are disgusting" I joked.

"Mhm, I am disgusting" She arched her brow.

"Yes you are."

"So you're not going to tell me about it?" Loren asked.

"I'm just gonna tell you that the sex with Leah is amazing. I've never recieved that good head." I said and Loren let out a chuckle. "It's the truth. Men just have their limitations and some of them are just unable to satisfy a woman." I told her.

"I know." She replied.

"You know? You know?" My eyes widened and she only nodded. "You hooked up with women?" I asked kinda shocked since I didn't expected this.

"Yeah" She responded.

"And you never told me?!"

"I didn't thought it was necessary." Loren shrugged her shoulders as it was nothing.

We arrived at the mall and quickly went inside.

"I wanna go to Brunello Cucinelli first." Loren said and before I could say something she grabbed my arm and pulled me to the store.

After three long hours of shopping we finished shopping and she drove me home. I normally love shopping but today it was a bit too long.

"We should do this more often." Loren said.

"You're right. We haven't seen us in months. And I don't even know why?" I replied.

"I honestly have no idea. But I love that we can see each other after months and it is still the same with you as before." She told me and I nodded.

"You wanna come inside?" I asked her.

"I'd like to but I probably should go home. Someone's waiting for me." She smirked. We hugged and I went inside.

"Mom!" The cocos screamed as I came home.

"Hey" I smiled and gave them a hug.

"Thank you for watching them." I told Lynda and hugged her.

"No need to say thanks. We had fun, didn't we?" Lynda said and Max and Emme nodded.

"You wanna stay here for dinner?" I asked her.

"What's for dinner?" Max asked.

"I don't know... What about spaghetti?"

"Yay" Emme and Max cheered.

"Imma stay for dinner." Lynda smiled.

I made dinner and Lynda helped me. After we ate the cocos went into their bedroom and Lynda and I sat down with a glass of whine.

"How was your day?" She asked me.

"Great. Thank you for watching them."

"Of course. We had much fun." Lynda smiled.

"How are things with Leah?" She asked.

"Everything's alright." I shortly replied.

"Come on Jennifer. Is it that hard to tell me things by yourself or do I need to ask you everything?" She replied.

"It is just that Leah and I talked about moving in together. She really wants to move in with me but I told her that I can't do this right now because I moved in with Alex after only nine months of being a couple and it did not worked out. I'm just afraid that everythings going to change after we move in together." I explained.

"Oh Jenny, really? I know that its not that easy but we both know that you two are able to live together." My sister said.

"These were exactly her words." I said.

"What happened after that?" She asked.

"She said that she needs to accept my decicion and after that uhm... everything was fine again." I told her.

"You gotta be kidding me?" Lynda said.


"You talked about this and afterwards it was completely fine again? Is everything that easy with women?"

"Mhm. And the sex is so much better" I said.

"I had five orgasms the last time Leah and I had sex." I giggled.

"You tryna make me jealous?" "Kinda." I smiled.

"Since when are you even that gay?" "I'm not that gay. I'm not even gay." I smirked at her.

"But why? How? When?" Lynda asked me.

"I have no idea why. I mean my whole life I've been straight and now I'm with Leah. But how - Uhm... we were in Cabo and we were drunk and somehow we ended up having sex." I answered.

"Are you still attracted to men?" Lynda asked.

"From where coming all those questions?" I chuckled.

"I mean like you said, you've straight your whole life and now youre with a woman. I gotta ask all those questions." Lynda chuckled.

"Yes, I'm still attracted to men." I replied. "Is that everything? Can we stop this now?" I asked. Lynda looked at her phone before she said, "I need to go now anyway."

We brought the whine glasses in the kitchen and I walked her to her car.

"Thanks for watching Emme and Max." I said and hugged her.

"Thanks for having me here for dinner."

"You need to come over more often."

"One word and I'll be here." Lynda said and I nodded.

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