Chapter 17

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Jennifer's POV

"You two know that later Leah is coming over. So what do you want to do?" I asked the cocos. "We could go to the mall." Emme said. "Sounds good." I said. "Noo." Max whined. "Come on. You'll get a new video game." "Hmm. Okay. When is Leah coming over?" He asked. "In an hour so go and get ready." I said and they both went upstairs.


"Hey baby." I smiled and kissed her. "Hey. Where are the cocos?" She asked. "Upstairs. They were already waiting for you." I answered. "Why are you nervous?" I asked as I saw that her hands were shaking. "It is just different now. Before we've just been friends and now we're girlfriends. I just hope that everything goes well." "Everything will go well. Trust me." I said and Leah just nodded.

"Max, Emme. We can go. Leah's here." I called them. "Hi Leah!" They both said and hugged her. Leah looked at me and I just smiled.

Leah drove us to the mall and we spent over two hours with shopping. Emme, Leah and I really liked it but Max was a bit annoyed of it.

"You want some ice cream?" Leah asked. "Of course." They said in an union. "Over there's a Ben & Jerry's." Leah said and handed them some money. "It's wonderful." I smiled as they were gone. "It really is." Leah replied.

We then went back home and the cocos went upstairs into theirs bedrooms.

"Benny texted me he's coming in half an hour." I said. "Why?" Leah asked. "Just to fix some things." I laughed. "Hmm" Leah mumbled and leaned in, slowly kissing her. "Mhm." Leah muttered against my lips.

"I love you." She whispered in my ear as she started kissing my neck and occasionally sucking on it. "I love you too." I replied. "Not h-here." I stuttered and slightly pushed her away. "The cocos could be coming downstairs any second." I added and Leah let out a sight.

"When are we telling the world about us?" Leah asked after a moment of silence. "I need to talk to Benny first." I replied. Leah let out a sight and I rolled my eyes. "I don't like your attitude." I said. "And what are you going to do about it?" Leah asked and I raised an eyebrow. "You'll see when you're coming over again." I smirked devilish. "No." She whined. "You know I can't come over until friday." Leah added. "And?" I shrugged my shoulders. "That's six days." Leah whined. "Very long and hard six days." I continued. "You can do it." I smirked. "And don't get off by yourself." I added. "We'll see." Leah said.

The door bell rang and I wanted to get up to open it but Leah grabbed my hand, pulling me in her lap. "Wait." She said before kissing me passionately. "I have to open the door." I giggled. "Yeah but I had to do this before I go." She replied. "I love you." I smiled. "I love you too." Leah replied. We got up and I opened bed the door.

"Hey you two." Benny smiled. "Hey." Leah and I said in an union. "I'll better go now." Leah said and hugged me. "I'll see ya." I smiled and watched her walking away.

"Oh Jen... I know that smile." Benny said. "I don't think that the media is going to like this." He added.

"What do you mean?" I played dumb. "You and Leah. You two are kind of a thing, right?" "Hmm?" I mumbled. "You heard me." Benny said. "For how long?" He continued. "For how long what?" I asked. "Do we really have to play this game? Could you just tell me for how long you and Leah are a thing?" Benny asked and I let out a sight.

"How'd you know?" I asked him. "I know you for god knows how long and I exactly know that look. You know when you're eyes are getting bigger and when you're smiling from ear to ear." He smiled.

"So you and Leah? For how long?" He continued. "For about three and a half months." I answered. "Why didn't you told me?" "Because I just wanted to see if this is going somewhere." "Does the kids know?" "Mhm and they are fine with it."

"And now you wanna tell the world about it?" He asked me, already knowing the answer. "What's your opinion on this?" I replied. "Youll always have my back and I'm also happy for you two but you know that you'll get so much hate for this." Benny told me. "Well, I get hate anyways."

"When are you planning on telling the world?" Benny asked. "Maybe this is weekend. I wanted your opinion on it before we're telling the world." I replied and looked at him, waiting for him to say something. "You already heard my opinion on this. I'm happy for you two but you should be aware that you two will get a lot of hate. You're life is going to change so much." "Okay thank you. But we'll do it anyways." I said and he let out a sight. "Do what makes you happy." Benny said.

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