Chapter 32

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Jennifer's POV

"Hard day at work?" Leah asked as I hugged her from behind.

"How do you know that I'm not a seerial killer?" I replied.

"Because a serial killer wouldn't hug me like this. A serial killer wouldn't hug me at all." She chuckled and turned around to kiss me.

"Hmm... But to answer your question, no... actually not but it was boring most of the time." I answered. "Did you cook?" I asked her and she answered by nodding, "Lasagna. It'll be ready in about ten minutes."

We finished eating and did the dishes, we cuddled up on the couch with a glass of whine.

"How was your day?" I asked Leah.

"It was kinda boring. Well, I could sleep a bit longer than someone else..." Leah smirked. "I then went shopping with Sofia and afterwards her boyfriend came over to pick her up. And that was my day. I was also working a bit but you texted and I thought I could cook something." She told me.

"So to sum it up, you had a boring day at home while I was working and had a boring day there?"

"Yeah. That'll explain it the best." Leah laughed.

"The next time you are bored you can just call me. I'll come over and lighten your day up." She winked.

"You're naughty" I smiled.

"I learned from the best." Leah smirked. "Wanna watch a movie?" Leah asked and I nodded.

"What about a horror movie?" I smiled since I knew that she hated those kind of movies.

"Do we have to?"

"Mhm" I mumbled and looked up a horror movie.

"This one sounds good." I said, showing her the movie.

"Fine" Leah sighted.

"Awww... my baby's afraid of it." I chuckled. Leah just shook her head cuddled up to me.

The movie started and soon the first jumpscare came but not just that, also Sofia came home and scared us to death. Well, only Leah since I already saw her.

"What the hell?!" Leah screamed, making Sofia and me burst out into laughter. "That shit isn't funny!"

"It is" Sofia and I laughed.

"What are you doing here?" Leah asked her.

"I'm living here." Sofia replied, crossing her arms.

"But it's still early."

"It is 10 and you told me to be here at 10, so here I am."

"Yeah, right." Leah mumbled.

"What are you watching?" She asked.

"Just a stupid horror movie." Leah replied.

"It's not stupid." I said.

"Can I watch with you?"

"Of course" I replied and tapped the couch for her to sit next to us.

The movie ended after one and a half hour and the first thing Sofia said was, "The movie was stupid."

"It really was." Leah agreed.

"It wasn't. Well, it also wasn't the best but it was okay." I said.

"How was the day with your boyfriend?" Leah asked.

"Good" Sofia shortly answered.

"But?" I said and Leah and Sofia gave me a look.

"No buts. It was good." Sofia said. "Good night." She said before quickly walking upstairs into her bedroom.

"Come on, lets go to bed." Leah said, gently pulling me up from the couch and we walked upstairs. "You know, I gotta go back to New York tomorrow." She said and I let out a sight.

"But I'm going to miss you so much." I whined and got under the covers next to her.

"I can't do anything about it." Leah replied, tucked a hair behind my ear. "I need to work." She said, looking down at me.

"But I don't have any souvenirs from you yet" I smiled innocently.

"You really want one?" Leah asked and I only nodded. A smile was placed on my face as Leah moved on top of me, straddling my lap. And with that, a wonderful night began.

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