Chapter 3: The Come Out

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*the same night*

Max's pov

Billy came into my room. "hey-um-mom and I made you cookies to eat-your favourite ones-" Billy said smiling as soon as he got in but immediately faded when he saw me. "oh-um-what's wrong max?" he asked putting the platter of cookies down on my drawer next to my bed. I wiped away my tears quickly. "I'm fine" I said. "obviously you're not max, come on you can talk to me" Billy softly said putting his arm on my shoulder. I looked down. "Tell me about it" he said. I looked at him. "about what?" I asked. He sighed. "about the fight, you and lucas had-" he said but paused looking away. His face began to look angry more than worried. "Wait-did he hurt you" he asked touching and scanning my face and body. I slapped his arm away sharply. "no-I'm fine" I said annoyed. "Okay-obviously he hurt you mentally-I'm gonna kill him-" he said angrily but I cut him off. "No Billy you'll do nothing" I said. He looked at me confused. "what?" he asked. "it was my fault" I said. "What do you mean max?" he asked. "I-I have feelings for someone else and he-um-noticed and started yelling at me-" I said. "he what?!" he loudly said but I shushed him. "I deserved it Billy" I said. "No you don't-did you cheat on him?" he asked. "no I didn't cheat-its just, I think I have feelings for someone else but he got mad that I didn't tell him-but-I didn't even know myself what I was feeling-I deserved every yelling and stuff he said" I said seriously. He frowned. "That shit doesn't matter! He shouldn't yell at you for liking an other guy and not him! How many times did you two break up max! I remember you coming home saying he lied to you again and again!" he said. His face was slightly red. "It's-it's" I stuttered not sure if I wanted to tell him the truth. "I lied" I whispered. "what?" he whispered confused. "he's not hating me just because I like another guy...its because-i-" I said my voice breaking, I couldn't help but cry. "hey hey! Why are you crying" he said rubbing my arm. "it's because-it's-not.."i said. "a guy" I whispered under my breath. He didn't hear me, or at least pretended not to. "what?" he asked. I looked at him sadly, upset, embarrassment. "its not a guy Billy" I managed to let out before sobbing. "oh.." he whispered looking down. I began to sob. I felt so.. useless. I know he's going to hate me too now. He looked shocked, he was still looking down which worried me a lot. "Billy..."i whispered. No response. That's when I realised, he hates me now. "I shouldn't have told you! Now you'll go tell mom and hate me for life-kick me out and-" I began to panic while crying, i wasn't looking at him this time. Suddenly he hugged me. A part of me felt relieved. Does he still love me? I began to sob again. "hey hey hey, its okay..its okay" he whispered hugging me tightly caressing my hair. That's when I realised that Billy supports me. "I still love you max.. even though I don't show it, I really do and I'll love you no matter what" he said pulling away. I sadly smiled. "soo who's the girl?" he asked smirking. Not gonna lie he made me feel better. "it's el" I said smiling to myself when I mentioned her name and I blushed. "aww you're blushing" he said elbowing my shoulder. "shut upp" I said laughing. "your best friend el right?" he asked. "who else Billy?" I said. He laughed. "sorry I don't know your friends that well" he defensively said. "she doesn't like me though" I quietly said. "oh come on max, I don't think that's true, she didn't hesitate when I told her you didn't come back home, she immediately hung up and left" he said. "yeah it's because I'm her best friend, she doesn't see me the way I do plus she has a boyfriend" I said. He scoffed. "that wheeler boy?" he asked as I nodded. "what does she see in him?" he laughed. I shrugged. "I don't know, I guess he's attractive" I said. "even if she was into girls, why would she like someone like me" I quietly said. He stared at me. "what?" I asked frowning. "I'm trying to see if you're serious" he said. "i am serious Billy, do you compare Mike to me?" I said. "yes, I do max, you're so pretty and don't let yourself down because of Mike" he said. "yeah whatever" I whispered. "listen max" he started. I was still looking down. "max, look at me" he said. I finally looked up at him. "I'm sure she likes you back-" he said but I cut him off. "she doesn't Billy, it's not that easy. You for example go out with a girl, she doesn't like you, you move on to the next one. Being gay isn't normal, I'm not normal so there's 0 chance el likes girl or me, she likes boys, it's not that simple" I said. He sighed. "I'm sorry-I'm just saying that I feel like you have a chance now that I think about it, the way she looks at you max, I don't know its not just a friendly way, I mean I kind of could tell because you never got interested in any boy until lucas so after that I just said that I was wrong. So when el became your best friend, I knew you were close because you were best friends but I could sense something between you and I'm not saying it just to make you feel better it's just what I think"he said. I never heard him talk like that. We weren't that close, just normal siblings. Sometimes we talk bad to each other, the next minute we're good, it depends. "thank you Billy, I don't think it's true but thank you for comforting me" I said starting to tear up. "make a move max, if not now, soon!" he said smiling. "it's not easy and it's impossible because she doesn't like me back and I don't wanna ruin our friendship" I said. "okay okay, whatever you say max" he said. "I'm scared" I quietly said breaking the one minute silence. "for what?" he asked. "everything... now lucas hates me, I broke his heart, he's going to tell everyone including el, my friends. They will all hate me now,im not normal and disgusting" I said. "what? Take that back now max! I'm serious" he angrily said. "People who truly love you,will love you no matter what"he said. "and if el doesn't like you back, it's her loss and I'm sure she won't hate you" he said. "you think so?" I asked. He nodded smiling. "can you-um-not tell mom?" I asked as a tear fell again but I wiped it off quickly. "yeah, I won't tell her don't worry,tell her when you're ready" he said. "thank you" I whispered. I'm so scared to tell my mom as well. I'm not sure if she's homophobic or anything but I'm still scared. I then tried to fall asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about el. She's so pretty it hurts, she's so kind, sweet, loving, innocent she's... perfection, like like literally. While I was having all those happy thoughts about el I remembered that I have 0 chances with her. It's always Mike and I can't change it.

El's pov

*flashback the same night*

I was reading a magazine max gave me while will was playing video games. We stay in the same room. Suddenly I heard the phone ringing. Will and I looked at each other confused. Who and why would call us at 23:30 pm? "don't answer it" Will said. "why?" I asked. "because its dangerous" he said. "what if its important?" I said. "el-" he said but it was too late, I already picked it up. "hello?" I asked. "hey, is this el?" I heard a man saying. "yes?" I said. "oh, it's max's brother, is max there with you? She told me she'll go over at Dustin's house and didn't come back, is she there-" he said. "she's not home yet?" I asked getting worried. We left Dustin's house at 23:30 pm. Now it was 23:30 pm. And Max wasn't home yet. "No, my mom is worried, so am I. She said she'll be back at 23:00 pm just like you all planned" he said. "I already called that boy's number Dustin but he didn't pick up so I thought you might know since you're pretty close friends-" he said but I immediately hung up without thinking twice. It was kind of rude, now that I think about it but I was worried at that moment." what? Where are you going?"will asked. "max's brother said max isn't at home" I said. "she might have just stayed a bit longer at Dustin's-" he said. "max is always scared of being late because of Neil, I think I know where might be, can you back me up? "I whispered. He frowned confused. "are you gonna sneak out?" he whispered yelled. "max might be in danger or upset, I need to go Will" I said annoyed with worried eyes. "it's almost 12 am el!" he said. "I don't care" I said opening the window and jumping off it. It kinda hurtled my ankle but I didn't care at that moment. I don't jump off my window often so of course my dumbass got hurt. One place came to my mind. The park. The park max and I usually go when we're upset. Mostly max. Her parents argue often and she goes there to avoid the yelling and I go there to comfort her.

*after I came back home*

As soon as I opened the door I saw everyone in front of me. Shit. Except Jonathan, he was sleeping peacefully. "where the hell were you!!" hopper yelled. "dad I can explain-" I said. "you were with Mike weren't you!" he yelled. "what? No I was with max she-" I said but he cut me off again. "Yeah sure" he scoffed. "will told me you were with max,your best friend, do you really expect me to believe that? That's the classic excuse teens use to sneak out and hang out with their boyfriends, I wasn't born yesterday el!" he yelled. "you don't understand dad-max's brother called and told me max wasn't home so I got worried" I said. "and you thought sneaking out at midnight, which is hella dangerous to see max?" he yelled. "She could have been in danger, she said she would he home but she wasn't so her brother called me dad, I got worried and went to look for her and I found her and brought her back home" I said. "brought her back home? Is she a dog or a child?" he laughed. "She was upset dad she's gotten into a fight with her shitty boyfriend and she was upset, I was comforting her dad because I care about her" I said. "I don't care what max had, you shouldn't have snuck out without my permission" he yelled. "So it's better I leave her there alone, at midnight by herself at the park? Does it sound safe dad?" I said back. "She shouldn't go the park in the first place then!" he yelled. "hop it's okay, it's over now-el just got worried for a friend" Joyce said putting her arm on hopper's shoulder. Hopper sighed angrily. "I'm glad you went to help your friend honey but you could have just woken us up to take you there, it's dangerous. If we knew your friend was in danger I wouldn't think twice and get there" Joyce softly said. I didn't say anything. "you lie" I whispered. "what?" Joyce asked. "you wouldn't let me, at least not dad" I quietly said. "I would-" hopper quietly said. "You wouldn't dad" I said. He didn't say anything. "can I go sleep I'm tired, and I'm sorry I won't do it again" I said as Joyce nodded. I walked back upstairs. As soon as I got into my room I started crying for some reason. Will got in after a minute. "hey are you okay what happened?" he asked. "yeah I'm okay-I don't know why I'm crying" I said smiling. "what happened to max, is she okay?" he asked. I shook my head. "she got into a fight with lucas, he yelled at her and I saw her literally shaking and crying will" I said looking at him sadly. He looked worried. "why, what happened" he asked. "she told me they lucas suspected that max has feeling for someone else and he was right and he started yelling at her she didn't cheat but he still yelled at her" I said. "did she tell you who?" he asked. "no, she doesn't want to tell me" I said. "

Will's pov

I have a feeling that max might has feelings for el. Who else would it be? Max only knows us and el. She hates Mike. Dustin is 100% just a friend to her, so am I. I just found out she doesn't like lucas anymore, who else would it be. Plus, I catch her staring at el all the time. But I don't want to say anything. So I just let it go. Then el and I went to sleep.

2309 words. I know you'll probably hate me but I'll leave tomorrow again.. 😬Sorry. I might update again tonight, not sure.

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