Chapter 54: PE Basketball Game

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Max's pov

"why do you keep staring at me?" I wrote on the note to nick. I told some students to give it to him. He frowned and started writing. Once he was finished writing he passed it to me.

Nick's note:

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable but I can't help it. Just because you're a lesbian after all that doesn't mean I'm no longer in love with you. I still have feelings for you and you're so pretty I can't stop staring at you. But I know you're with a girl, El so I can't do anything about it"

I frowned. I passed it to el next to me as well. She frowned as well.

Max's note to nick:

Okay, I get that but could you please stop because I don't feel comfortable, either does my girlfriend el"

I looked at him waiting for his reaction but he didn't say anything just put it in his pencil case and continued paying attention to class. I'm glad he didn't out us yet to everyone but I can't stand him looking at me all the time.

Then it was break time. We started eating and stuff. My mom told me to tell my friends as well at school about our invitation to Christmas table in my house.

She already called their parents but I don't know if they told the boys. "guys" I said trying to get their attention but it wouldn't work because Mike and Dustin kept arguing about something they disagreed on.

"Guys" I tried again. "Guys! Max is trying to speak" will said making them stop talking. "Yes?" Mike and Dustin said. "My mom invited you at the Christmas table I don't know if your parents told you. My mom called them" I said.

"They did tell us" they all said. "i knew i was forgetting something I've been meaning to say" Dustin said. "I'm so excited to come not gonna lie" lucas said. I smiled. "If you want to spend your Christmas with your family in separate all of you we don't mind if you don't want to-" I said.

"huh? Of course we want to, my family is boring at Christmas. The only best part is the food. Other than that, it just feels like every single diner table we eat every day. Christmas songs and decorations and that's it so of course I prefer to spend my Christmas with my friends" Mike said.

"oh okay great I'm happy you would like to" I said. They all smiled. I smiled back. Then we started talking about other random stuff.

*after the break*

We had pe. Fortunately the doctor gave me a paper to inform my school and pe teacher that I'm not allowed to have pe for a while. So I could just sit and watch them suffer. I'm joking I'm not mean..

El and the girls went to the girls changing room. I waited outside. El came back with the others. She looked amazing as always. She was wearing her usual black leggings and a shirt.

"alright girls, today we're gonna play basketball" the teacher announced to them. El was sort of good and liked basketball so that's good. We hate when the teacher sometimes makes us do a whole workout.

They got into two teams. El was quite good. "bitch" I heard Angela saying after el took the ball from her before and scored. I sighed annoyed by Angela's reaction. The girls on El's teams gave el a high-five to cheer.

El looked at me. I put my thumbs up and smiled cheering slightly for her. She smiled. We kept looking at each other until a girl from her team grabbed her arm so they continue playing.

I just sat there 'paying attention' to the game even though el was the only person I was looking at the entire time. Admiring her beauty even though she was sweating and hair slightly messy from running and stuff.

I've told her millions of times to join the school basketball teams but she's unsure. So do our classmates and the pe teacher but she doesn't know yet.

"you like her don't you?" I heard an unknown voice speaking next to me. I jumped a little cause I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realise whoever came and sat down next to me.

It was a random girl from another class. In pe we're like two classes, not only one class so I didn't know her. She didn't participate in they day's lesson so she sat on the benches as well.

I blushed by the question. "w-what? Who?" I asked playing dumb. God max calm down she'll notice. I panicked for some reason
"El" she said with a smile. I gulped. "what? Um-I- No she's my best friend" I said quickly. She laughed making me frown confused

"Calm down, I know you're into her. And that you're together" she said. My eyes widened. "what? How-" I asked but trailed off. "we're not together" I finished trying to fix this super uncomfortable situation

"Seriously calm down! I figured it out myself, plus it's a bit obvious or it's just me." the girl said. I sighed relieved.

"uh-yeah-we are but no one knows-" I said but she cut me off. "I won't tell anyone, I'm supportive don't worry" she said smiling. "You don't even know me" I said. "I know! But I still talked to you!" she said excitedly.

She was excited for some reason. "oh okay" I said laughing nervously. "If it makes you feel better, just so you know. I like girls too and my name is Emily" she said motioning me to do a handshake

I took her hand and accepted it I guess. "You do?" I asked. She nodded smiling. I smiled back. "How long have you been together?" she asked. "Uhh it's a big story" I said.

El's pov

I was playing basketball with my classmates in pe. When I scored I looked at max and she smiled proudly and I smiled back happily. When 2-3 minutes I glanced at max again once I had the opportunity to but i saw her talking to another girl and smiling to each other.

I couldn't help but feel jealous. I stared at them for a couple of seconds in pain because I was jealous until a teammate tapped my arm to continue playing.

1078 words. To be continued!!

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