Chapter 66: Sleepover (the Party)

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Max's pov

The rest of the day was normal. Nothing bad happened fortunately. "Are you guys excited for the sleepover tonight!!" Mike said at lunch. "hell yeah!" Dustin said smiling.

We all agreed smiling. "I got a new board game if you guys would like to try it out" Mike said. "Ooo yeah sure why not" lucas said.

*time skip at the sleepover*

I knocked on Mike's door. His mom was the one who opened it. "Hey max! How are you doing sweetie?" she asked smiling. "I'm okay, how are you?" I asked. "I'm alright thanks for asking, mike is in the basement" she said. I nodded and walked down the basement.

"Hey max!" will said smiling. He noticed me first. It was the boys I looked around. El wasn't there. "El isn't here yet" will said Reading my mind. "Oh okay" I said and sat down on the couch waiting for el as the boys were playing video games.

Will stood up and sat down next to me. "how are you?" he asked. "I'm okay, how are you Byers?" I asked. "I'm okay" he said. "Wait-how is el not with you I just realised" I said.

"oh she's taking a shower, she's gonna be a little late" he said. "ohh okay" I said. "I couldn't wait for her, she takes forever to get ready" will complained. I laughed. "Oh come on she doesn't take forever" I said. "Oh she does, she always makes sure to look good for you obviously, but don't tell her I told you that" he said.

I blush at what he just told me. "Okay" I said giggling. "soo how are things between you and Mike?" I quietly asked him smirking.

His face turned red. "Oh um, good" he said. "You can tell our friends, they're not gonna mind" I said. "yeah I know" he said. "is it mike who doesn't want to?" I asked. "both of us, we just don't want them to see us differently" he said.

"woah there, are you forgetting something? El and I? They still treat us the same" I said. "I know but we've been friends since kids" will said. "I'm sure they already know to be honest but whenever you're ready" I said. He nodded smiling.

Then the bell rang. Finally! "Aww look how your eyes light up" will mocked me. "oh shut up-" I said blushing as he giggled. Then el appeared. I heard her running as always. "El stop running you're gonna fall one day and I will take responsibility" Mike said while playing video games with lucas (Dustin was watching them as he waited for his turn to play)

"how did you know it was me?" el asked giggling. "Obviously because you're the only who didn't arrive yet plus you always run down the stairs when you come, excited to see max" Mike said. "yeah makes sense" el said.

Then she looked at me ran towards me. I stood up and hugged her. "hey el!!" I said giggling. "hey max!! I missed you" she said. "you haven't seen each other in a few hours-" will said. "so? I still miss her" el said. I blushed.

She looked so cute. Her outfit..just her. Will gasped making me confused. "Is that my hoodie? Did you steal it?" will asked who just giggled. "maybe" she said. Will rolled his eyes. Her outfit⬇️

"oh come on will you can't be mad at her, she looks amazing in that outfit

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"oh come on will you can't be mad at her, she looks amazing in that outfit. "I never said she doesn't she just steals my clothes all the time" will said giggling. "you said it was okay!" el said raising her eyebrows. "Well not all the time!" will said. I laughed. They're literally siblings.

The boys turned off their video since el came. "Okay I bought all of the board games, including the new one I got" Mike said. We then started playing.

It was so fun. I laugh the most when I'm with my friends. "hey do you guys want to go bowling tomorrow?" Mike asked. "Ooo yesss" We all said. "I asked my mom and Nancy to take us since we don't fit in one car. We could go with our bikes but that bowling place is not close" Mike said. We nodded.

"Who wants snacks!" Dustin said. He always brings snacks. "Oh my god max try these gummy bears!" el said excitedly. I have already tried those but it was El's first time eating those and she got excited. I found it adorable.

"It's so good!!" I said matching her energy. "have you tried them before?" she asked. "yeah" I said. "ohh okay" she said. "I'm glad you're honest with me" el quietly said.

"what do you mean love?" I asked. "If it was someone else they would lie to me"she said I frowned. "I don't get what you mean" I said. "when I asked you if you already tried them you were honest. Someone else would say to not make me feel bad because of things I don't know" she said.

"oh do you mind that I didn't?-" I asked. "No the opposite, you're honest with me" she said smiling. I smiled. "Of course and it's okay that you haven't tried those gummy bears, no one knows all the sweets, snacks and stuff anyway" I said. She smiled. "thank you" she said. I gave her a side hug.

Will's pov

"Hey Mike can I talk to you for a second?" I told Mike. He frowned but nodded. "we'll be back" we told the others. "do you think we should tell them now?" I asked. He frowned. "tell them what?" he asked. I sighed. "About us" I said. "oh" he said. "I'm sure they won't mind.. Right? But we have to tell them anyways" I said.

"yeah you're right.. Should we just do it and whatever happens? We can't keep it away forever" Mike said. I nodded smiling. I was about to leave but he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back.

We went back to the others. "finally you're back! We want to play monopoly" Dustin said. We both sat down on the floor as the board games were places on the table. "Oh we would like to say something before we start if that's okay" Mike nervously said.

"Uhh okay, sure" they all said confused. El and max looked at me and smield. They knew what was about to happen. I smiled back. "so.. Um will and I are.. Together" Mike said. They all stared at us.

Lucas and Dustin looked at each other. Those few seconds of silence killed me because I thought they would be mad or something. "I knew it!! Lucas ows me 10 bucks" Dustin said excitedly. All of us frowned. "What? Did you guys bet on.. Us?" I asked confused

"Uhh you would say that"lucas said. "you guys aren't mad?" I asked relieved. "no? We already knew, it's obvious, since you were little to be honest" Dustin said. Mike and I looked at each other. "wait-did you girls knwo? You don't seem so surprised" lucas asked.

"uhh yeah we knew" max said. "Okay now I'm offended! Why didn't you tell us? Your childhood friends" lucas said. "hey we're your friends too" max and el said. "he didn't mean it like that" Dustin said. "yeah whatever" max said.

"I don't know" Mike and I said. "anyways, that's great news guys! We're happy for you" Dustin and lucas said. We both smiled relieved. Max looked at me. I smiled. "I told you" she mouthed. Then we started playing monopoly.

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