Chapter 63: Nick Wtf?

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Max's pov

It was the next morning. El and I got ready and then went to school. "hey" the boys said once we met in the entrance. "Why was el in your mom's car? Did you come together?" Mike asked.

We nodded. "We had a sleepover" el said. "on a weekday?" Dustin asked. "without us?" Mike said but will hit his arm. "Of course without us they're a couple you idiots" will said. El and I laughed.

"I was just joking" Mike softly said. He's soft to will. If it was Dustin or any of us he would answer harshly. Not harshly exactly but more like annoyed.

"plus we'll come to your house for the sleepover so I don't see a problem" I said. "yeah we're just playing" Dustin said. "alright I see" I said. "anyway we should go guys" lucas said. We nodded and walked to class.

I opened my locker to get my books and stuff. El was as well next to me. "Hey" I heard a voice speaking. It was nick standing next to me. Oh god not again.

"hi" I simply said and continued getting my stuff from the locker. "Soo I've got a question for you" he said smiling. El was looking at us,waiting for us to stop talking so we can go to class together as always

I could tell she was jealous so I tried to leave as soon as possible. I didn't want to talk to him anyway. "I can't, I gotta go to class" I said and turned around to leave but he grabbed my arm. I looked at his hand touching mine in disgust, why is he touching me.

How does he have the nerve to after I've rejected him multiple times and in front of my girlfriend. "It'll be quick" he said. I got my arm out of his quickly in slightly anger.

"nick she doesn't want to talk, let's go max" el and Mike said but nick insisted. "I said I can't and I don't want to talk nick what is it that you don't understand?" I said annoyed. "Do you wanna hang out later? Go to like a cafe or something?" he asked.

The only reason I didn't punch him or something is because he hadn't told anyone about our secret. "Oh my god! What is it that you don't understand nick? I am a lesbian, I love el and only her, I don't like boys or you" I said quietly close to his face so only he can hear me. I couldn't risk anyone hearing us.

"It's not gonna be a date, just friends don't you hang out with those boys in your friend group?" he asked. "I do hangout with them because I have a girlfriend and none of them wants to be with me so desperate so yes I hangout with them because they're my friends" I said glaring at him.

I was about to back up so I can leave but he kissed me. My face was close to his because I told him those things privately so no one hears us. I immediately pushed him away harshly and slapped him.

I'm done playing nice to him, not so nice but I'm tired. "What the hell are you doing?" I angrily said. El walked towards to nick but Mike and I stopped her. Some students looked at us confused.

Mike angrily grabbed nick's collar. "Mike stop it let's just go" I said trying to get away before nick splits out anything from anger or something. Mike shook his head. "go to class I'll be there in a bit" he said. "Mike-" will tried. "no will go" Mike said glaring at nicck in the eyes. We all nodded and left. You could not convince Mike when he's mad.

Mike's pov

I grabbed nick by his collar, the others tried to stop me but I insisted. I dragged nick with me forcefully to the bathroom. "Hey dude let me go" he said. I shook my head. Once we got the bathroom. Fortunately not one else was there since the bell was about to ring.

"Listen to me you idiot!! Stop bothering max and el!! What is it that you don't understand? Max is with el, she liked girls not boys! Isn't that clear? Can't that get into your head already?" I asked angrily.

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