Chapter 32: Visiting Max

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Billy's pov

It was early in the morning. It was 8 am. My mom and I decided to wake up early so we can talk with the doctor and stuff. I woke up first though.

I opened my eyes and saw something really cute. El and max were cuddling while sleeping. El was resting her head on max's shoulder, max's head on top of El's as max had her arms around el.

I loved how gentle el was. She must have been scared to hurt her. She gently layed her head on max's shoulder. They were holding hands too

I was staring at el and max that I hadn't realise my mom woke up. "hey" she whispered since the girls were sleeping. "oh, good morning mom" I whispered back. My mom looked at the two girls, smiled then looked at me.

I smiled too. I'm so glad my mom is okay with max liking girls. Max deserves support and support only. She's been through enough with Neil. We both did.. I'm so glad he's in jail now.

*the next morning*

Max's pov

I woke up with loud steps. I opened my eyes seeing will, Mike, Dustin and lucas running into my hospital room. "oh my god max!!!" they all said in sync excited. "careful careful kids" my mom said laughing as they all hugged me as I was laying down on the bed.

"we thought we lost you" Dustin said as he wiped some tears away. I wasn't expecting Dustin to cry to be honest. "I'm not dead yet, you're not getting rid of me that easily" I joked. They laughed.

"max! We don't joke about such things as this!" my mom angrily said. "I do! It's just a joke" I said trying to hold in my laughter. My mom looked at me in disbelief.

"okay sorry" I said. "what time is it?" I asked. "it's 10 am" el said. "your mom called so we came" Mike said. I smiled. "you didn't have to wake up this early-" I said. "max are you serious? We told your mom and el that they will call us immediately when you wake up" lucas said.

"she woke up last night" Billy said. "why didn't you call us?" Mike said annoyed. "It was 12 am, we thought it's best you sleep" my mom told them. They didn't say anything. "we're so glad you're okay now max" will said smiling.

"it's only been 4 days, calm down, you act like I've been in coma for years" I joked. "4 days have been so long you can't imagine" el said. We looked at her. "she's right, for us, we've been going to school I can't imagine how it was for your mom, el and Billy" Dustin said.

I looked at my mom, then Billy and then el. El and I locked eyes for a few seconds. "well um, it was hard indeed but what matters now is that max is okay" Billy said breaking the silence el and I didn't even realise happened since we were staring at each other's eyes for a few seconds.

"yeah" everyone said smiling. "we should leave you kids alone for a little" the adults said. Hopper, Joyce, my mom, Billy, Nancy, Jonathan, Robin, Steve left. There were so many people the hospital would kick us out. I'm joking, with the help of hopper the hospital agreed as long as their visits are short.

All these people came to see me? Me? I couldn't believe it. I knew we were like a family but I didn't expect them to actually care about me and come see me after I've been in coma. "how are you feeling?" lucas asked when the others left. It was just will, Mike, Dustin, lucas and el and I.

"it hurts a little but I'm okay" I said. "the wound?" dustin asked. "no Dustin, her leg" lucas sarcastically said. I missed those two arguing like 5 year oles. I couldn't help but laugh.

Dustin rolled his eyes. "did you see the flowers?" will said smiling. "I kinda saw them from far away, from here" I said as they laughed. "Here I'll go get them" el soflty said. I automatically smiled when I heard her voice. I hadn't heard it for a while when the others came.

Lucas noticed and smirked at me. I widened my eyes to tell him to stop. He laughed quietly. El turned around and brought all the flowers. "I kind of need some help over here" el said struggling since there were too many.

The boys helped her pick up the bouquets. The bots started telling me whose flowers are whose. "look I didn't know your favourite flowers so I kind of mixed them" Mike said passing me his. I laughed. "it's okay, you guys didn't have to bring flowers at all" I said.

I got emotional not gonna lie. But I hid it. "we're your friends and we care about you of course we would bring you flowers" will kindly said. He's such a softie. He's the most quiet one compared to the other boys and I have a soft spot on him. He's really sweet.

I love my other friends too even if they annoy me. Let's be honest, I annoy them too. I have to admit it..

El had already shown me last night when I woke up. "el can you come here for a second?" hopper asked as he walked in. El nodded and walked outside as she waved at me with a smile. I waved back and smiled.

El's pov

"can you help me pick up some sandwiches? I'm going to the cantine on the first floor to get everyone something to eat and I can't hold them all" hopper said chuckling. "yeah sure" I said smiling. It was silent as we were walking down the Isle.

"You really do love her do you?" he suddenly asked. "what?" I asked as I didn't hear him clearly, I was deep in thoughts. "max, you truly do love her don't you?" he said smiling. "yeah.. I do" I said smiling at myself

"I can tell, I've never seen you like that. I'm so glad max woke up. For both of you. You seem way too much happier with max. You've always been, I'm just-glad you're happy. I don't want you to still think I hate you or that you disappointed me by the fact you like girls-"he worriedly said as we both stopped walking.

"dad.. Its okay, I know" I said smiling to ressure him. He smiled relieved.

Max's pov

El left because hopper wanted her so it was just the boys and I. "what was el doing while I was in coma?" I asked curious. "oh um-I don't know in the mornings but when we visited you after school we were playing cards. To keep her distracted, for us too but mostly el. She was really sad" Dustin said.

"we tried to make her laugh, it somehow worked but she was still worried" lucas said. "Billy said she was always talking to you" Dustin said. I frowned as my face soften. I couldn't believe it.

It melts my heart by the fact that el loves me... me.. It broke my heart though, hearing how she's been through these days. I honestly can't imagine how it would be like. I would most likely react the same.

Having someone you love in coma, not knowing if that person will even survive must be very stressful. "how do you know that Dustin?" Mike asked Dustin. "i just do, Billy told me and I caught her once before walking in the room" Dustin said.

Mike nodded convinced by his answer. A tear fell as I wiped it away quickly. I didn't even realise it to be honest. "hey, what's wrong?" will said, he must have noticed.

"did I really cause this?" I quietly said. "no, it's not your fault at all. It's Neil's fault. You did nothing wrong. We were just worried which is normal so we just had to wait. We never lost hope" lucas explained. I nodded slowly.

1360 words. To be continued!! How are you guys??

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