Chapter 7: The Apology

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Max's pov

Lucas and Mike walked in the house. I didn't say anything, just looked at them surprised. "can I talk to you?" lucas asked me. I didn't say anything.

"leave her alone" el said. "I won't do anything bad, I just want to talk" lucas said. I nodded and went to el's room to privately talk. "so, what do you want, are you here to yell at me again?" I asked trying not to cry.

"no, I came to apologise" he said. "now?" I asked and he nodded. "I know it's too late but I realised I'm wrong and I'm sorry, I was just so mad and I couldn't accept the fact that I got rejected and that you didn't like me at all" he said.

"I did like you at first but I the realised I don't feel the same anymore" I said. "really?" he asked and I nodded. "wait.." I quietly started. He raised an eyebrow waiting for me to continue.

"did you.. tell Mike?" I asked nervously. He shook his head. "no, I don't think it's right to" he said as I sighed relieved. "does Will know? He's been acting a bit over protective on me lately" I said.

He looked away for a second skeptical, oh no that look wasn't good. My eyes widened in realization. "you told him?!" I asked shocked, sort of mad.

"no no, I didn't, he figured it himself I promise, he yelled at me for hurting you and I...really deserved it now that I think about it" he said. Great, how did will figure it out.

Another painful realization hit me suddenly. If will knows, so does el. There's no way Will hadn't told el. It's his sister, step sister but still.

"oh no" I whispered. Lucas looked at me worriedly "what? What is it?" he asked confused. "That means he told el" I said nervously. "no, I don't think he did, will would never call you out, he got so mad when I treated you like this so don't worry" he said smiling.

I sighed relieved. "yeah, I hope" I breathed out. "thank you, I'm so glad you forgive me" I said. He frowned. "there's no reason to me to forgive you, you did nothing wrong I was being an assohole, I didn't know how it feels" he said as I nodded. We then hugged and got outside.

Will was angrily looking at lucas when we walked out. "we're all good now, there's no need to kill me Will" lucas said smiling. I looked at el relieved. I thought she would smile at me. My smile faded. She looked... hurt? Disappointed? I couldn't tell

"you got back together?" el slowly quietly asked. "what no! We're just friends and I apologised to her, that's what I mean by 'we're good'" lucas said. El's face softened

"oh.." el quietly said as we locked eyes. "I'm so happy to hear that" she said smiling. We all smiled. "um will? Do you forgive too?" lucas asked turning to Will. "yeah" will said smiling.

El's pov

I was glad lucas apologised to max. I got a bit jealous at first for some reason. I thought they got back together but I was wrong, I don't know why... That's when I realised.. I think I'm in love with max.

I always felt better around her, she makes me happy. I thought it was because she's my best friend but it doesn't feel exactly like that... it's different, I can't really explain it.

But can girls like girls? Girls are supposed to dare boys right? I've been thinking about all these days at night. I couldn't sleep.

I kept thinking how beautiful max is. Her gorgeous red hair that shine in the sun... her beautiful ocean blue eyes that I could stare at all day without getting bored or tired. Her pink perfectly shaped lips... that I wished I could kiss, they look so soft.

Why am I thinking like this. I know that you're no supposed to think like that towards your best friends. I did think that Mike was cute at some point but I hadn't felt like this with Mike.

I feel butterflies in my stomach with max, a spark I never felt with Mike. I thought I was in love with him, but I don't think I am. I realise that I don't want to be with him anymore.

Robin told us she likes girls, so it's not a bad thing? So that exists. I was kind of relieved to know that I'm not the only one that feels like this.

Maybe I should talk to her? No, that's not a good idea. What if she tells Steve, because if Steve knows, so does Mike, so does everyone. I feel really guilty having feelings for max when Mike doesn't know.

He's gonna hate me forever. I should tell him before it's too late, he deserves to know the truth. Or maybe I should just break up with him, without him knowing the truth.

I'm scared that he's going to tell everyone and embarrass me. What would hopper think, Joyce, will? Even Jonathan. My friends? Specifically max, I'm gonna ruin our friendship if she finds out.

Everyone is going to hate me, I will disappoint them for sure. They expect me to grow up and marry a nice man, but I can't imagine that happening to me now.

I just.. want to be with max. I couldn't get that thought out of my mind. No matter how hard I tried to brush it away. I have to admit it, I do love max, I have feelings for her and I can't help it.

But max likes another guy. She won't tell me who and its killing me. It's not lucas, Dustin? Will? There's no way,literally 0 no way. Maybe she has feelings for a boy from out school?

I don't think so,max is always a bit sharply to boys. What about that boy John? No, there's no way, she literally spilled her juice on him when he made fun of me one day, she got detention after though... I felt bad about that because I was basically the reason.

So why would you have a crush on the boy you spilled juice on him on purpose. That boy from pe? They were talking about how bad our team was once when we were playing football. Then that boy slapped my butt, but said it was just a joke.

Max got pretty mad though and kicked his.. Private part oop. He screamed like a kid in pain. The pe teacher didn't punish max after she told him what the boy did fortunately. Let's just say she's quite ove protective over me.

So there's no way she has a crush on that boy. But she doesn't care about anyone else, plus she was with lucas so obviously she wasn't el.. Jeez. Even when lucas and max kept breaking up. She was never interested on anyone. 2-3 boys were asking her out sometimes but she refused. She always groaned in annoyance after.

I now realise why I felt.. jealousy every time that happened. I thought it was just because those boys were bothering max but I.. I don't know. That explains my feelings for max. I want to be with her.. but she wants to be with some other boy.. and not me. Shouldn't she tell me though, who it was at least? She's been quiet after what happened.

She won't tell me and it's pissing me off. What if it's Mike? No there's no way, they're arguing all the time. Max never liked Mike. I noticed she never liked me dating him. She always says he's an idiot sometimes but says she's happy for me and they she'll kill him if he hurts me.

But turns out that I... I will hurt Mike.. I feel so bad. Suddenly max snapped me out of my thoughts. I didn't realise that I zoned out. "huh?" I asked looking up seeing max, lucas, will and Mike staring at me in confusion. "are you okay? You like zoned out" max said. "oh.. Yeah I'm fine" I said faking a smile. "Mike?" I said without thinking. "yeah?" he asked.

"can we hang out after at the mall, I have to tell you something" I said. Shit, did I really said that. I think we should break up, I think it's best. "um-yeah okay, is everything okay?" he asked. "yeah" I quietly said. "oh okay..."he said. "alright I think we should go" lucas said. And just like that the two boys left. I saw max and will staring at me.

"what are you gonna tell him?" will asked. "nothing" I said. "why won't you tell us" max asked. "I don't know, let's just..bake the cookies" I said changing the subject. If I tell them the truth I'm gonna have to tell them why and I don't want to. Max is hiding something from me as well.

Max's pov

El wants to talk to Mike. I don't know what it is but I'm quite curious. What if they break up? There's no way, they love each other.

1542 words. To be continued!

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