Chapter 75: Last Night Of The Sleepover

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Max's pov

El started applying the face mask on me. "Do you want too?" el asked Robin and Nancy. "uhh sure" Nancy replied. El smiled. I was blushing as she was applying the face mask on my face because of how close her face was to mine.

I think she could tell because she suddenly kissed me. She giggled after. My face was definitely red, I wished the mask covered it somehow.

I looked at Nancy and Robin, they were both smiling at us. I ignored them. "It smells a bit weird" I said. "It's how it's supposed to be love" el said. "Aww I love the nickname" Robin said teasing us.

Nancy also put on some music. El and I were doing each others, Nancy and Robin were together putting their masks. It was so cute. I was applying the mask on El's face.

"You're so beautiful.." I whispered softly smiling at her. She smiled. "So are you.." she quietly said back. "Now we wait for it to get dry!" el said after all of us were done. I playfully walked towards Robin planning on attacking her.

"I swear to god maxine if you tickle me, I can't laugh in a face mask!" she seriously said. I acted like I was going to for a few times earning yells from Robin.

"max love, enough" el said. I could tell she wanted to laugh but couldn't. She pulled me away from Robin, grabbing me by my waist. I felt butterflies from that move. I was blushing.

"One thing el does and you listen immediately! That is so not fair, I've been yelling at you for a minute" Robin said annoyed. I giggled, so did el and Nancy.

"oh you're laughing too?" Robin asked Nancy playfully. Nancy stopped and looked at Robin trying not to laugh again.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. "yeah?" Nancy said. The person opened the door. It was Steve. He screamed when he saw us. "WHAT THE HELL-" he screamed.

We were so confused but then remembered that we were having our masks on. We looked at each other after realising and bursted out laughing.

Our masks were ruined at this point but it was okay. We were going to pull it off at a minute anyway. "Jesus! What the hell was that scream Steve!" Nancy said. He screamed so loud that Mrs. Wheeler came and checked on us.

"Well sorry got getting a jump scare. I literally walked into a door with 4 girls, their faces painted black!!" Steve said annoyed, his hand still on his chest, his heart but have been beating fast

"it's face masks you idiot! We didn't paint our faces black" Robin said. "Well, I didn't know that at first" he said. "Okay anyways,what did you want?" Nancy asked.

"oh, I was gonna tell Robin that I would leave" he said. "why?" Robin asked. "we've got work tomorrow morning, plus the kids downstairs pissed me off with their game" he said.

El and I laughed. El and I took off our face masks as they were talking. "it's so satisfying" I said pulling off the mask. "I know right!" el said happily, proud of her idea. She's so cute I can't

"oh yeah right.. I'll come with you. Give me a minute to take that off" Robin said. "Steve!! Wanna try?" el asked him smiling. I was trying to hold my laughter. Steve frowned. "what? No" he said. "It's nice!" el said.

"well sorry el but I don't want to" he said. "lame" el Muttered under her breath. Only I could hear her. I couldn't help but laugh. "what did she say?" Steve asked me. "nothing" I replied. Then Robin and Steve left.

It was Nancy, El and I. "do you have work tomorrow?" I asked Nancy. "yeah" she said. "oh okay, I think el and I should get going, you need rest" I said. "yeah, thanks for letting me join, I had fun" Nancy said.

We smiled at her and then left the room. We walked downstairs to the basement. The boys were playing video games. "hey" el and I said. "oh you're back, what took you so long? Girl talk" Mike joked. "yeah sure Michael" I said. He turned around and glared at me.

"Mike watch out!" Dustin loudly said. Mike turned back around and tried to save himself in the video game but it didn't work. He lost. "max!! I lost because of you" Mike said annoyed.

"It's not my fault! You turned around and looked at me" I said defensively. He just rolled his eyes and passed the controller to lucas. El and I went to the bathroom to get changed.

Then we layed down on the couch. "Are we gonna watch a movie or are you gonna sit there and play for another 5 hours?" I said annoyed. "probably the second one" Mike said. I rolled my eyes.

"relaxe babe" el quietly told me giggling. She put her hand on my thigh. I blushed and laughed as well. After about 10 minutes they finally stopped playing.

We cuddled up as usual on the couches. Lucas and Dustin still prefer to sit on their sleeping bags on the floor as we were watching the movie.

El's pov

It's been about an hour since we were watching the movie. It was 1 am. Max's head rested on my shoulder, her arms were wrapped around my waist as I had my arms around her. The blanket over us keeping us both warm.

I loved cuddling with max. I then noticed that she fell asleep. I smiled to myself. She's so cute when she's sleeping. Of course Dustin, Mike and lucas had fallen asleep as well.

Will and I were the only ones awake. He smiled at us. "isn't she adorable" I quietly said. He nodded giggling. He keeps making fun of us whenever max is cuddling me. They make fun of max when she's soft to me.

I find it cute and adorable. I loved how she was and soft and badass. I then slowly layed down, carefully so I don't wake max up. She moved a little but she ended up cuddling me even more.

She buried her head on my chest, arms around my waist hugging me tightly. I smiled. I then fell asleep as well.

*the next morning*

Still El's pov

As usual max and I were the only ones who were still sleeping. I mean come on, we love sleep. The boys were upstairs. Max was still cuddled up to me. I couldn't really leave. I felt bad so I stayed there staring at her beautiful face as she was sleeping.

She looked like an angel. I then wanted to get up so I can use the restroom. Max woke up. I carefully tried to get up. But something held me back.

It was max pulling the sleeve of my hoodie slightly. "Please don't leave" she tiredly, sleepy said. Her eyes were still closed, half asleep. How could I say no? She's so cute.

I decided to lay back down with her. She wrapped her arms around my neck this time hugging me tightly to make sure I don't leave her which I found adorable.

After we woke up, we had to get back home. We had school on Monday. It was the last week of school before Christmas break. I couldn't wait.

1239 words. To be continued!!

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