Chapter 41: Ronance Part 3

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Robin's pov

"oh.. Who do you like?" I asked as Nancy blushed. She looked down. "I-I can't tell you" she said. I was disappointed. Come on Robin there's no way she likes you back

"why not? I won't tell anyone and I promise I won't judge you" I said. "I-I'm just sure that person doesn't like me back" she said. I frowned. "how.. Would you know if you don't try? You can trust me" I said hoping it was me.

"okay.." she quietly said before clearing her throat. "promise you won't hate me.. Or not talk to me again?" she said with fear in her eyes. "what? I could never.. ever hate you Nance" I said. Oh my god, how could I be so stupid? Why did I call her that?

She looked at me blushing for some reason. "it's... Its.. God, I'm sorry its just hard-" she said nervously. I put my hand on top of hers without thinking. "hey, it's okay.. Take your time" I said smiling to ressure her. She nodded smiling back.

"can we.. Go over to my place. I can't tell you in public.. I'm scared" she said looking around. "yeah.. Sure, wanna go to mine? Since it's closer?" I asked. "yeah sure" she said smiling.

*later at Robin's and Steve's apartment*

"looks like Steve is out right now" I said slightly chuckling. "I guess so" she said back. We sat down on the couch. "alright.." I said sighing. "are you ready to tell me?" I asked nervously.

"it's.. Its-you" she whispered. I couldn't hear her clearly plus I couldn't believe what I hardly heard. "what?" I asked. A tear fell down her face. "it's-its you Robin and I didn't know how to tell you-i don't want to ruin our friendship but I just did-I'm sorry.. I know you don't feel the same way-" she said.

"Nancy-" I tried quietly. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would rip off my chest. "and I think you deserve to know-" she said not making eye contact with me, clearly nervous and upset.

"Nancy-" I said a bit louder this time. She finally looked up at me. "is it.. A joke?" I asked unsure. She shook her head. "no.. Its not.." she said. "oh.." I whispered under my breath.

"I'm sorry-" she said starting to cry. I couldn't handle it anymore I decided to risk it.. I put my hand on her cheek gently as she looked at me confused. Our faces were inches apart. Our lips almost touching.

I finally leaned in..kissing her softly. She kissed back.. More passionately this time.


Max's pov

My mom went out to get something from the store. Billy went out again so it was just me and el. The nurses are taking care of me so my mom can go somewhere fortunately.

El was asleep though. She was sitting on the chair next to me holding my hand as we were both sleeping. We wanted to cuddle and sleep together (a/n: not in the way you think😀) but my mom says it's not safe. In case she crashes me. Because I got shot and stuff.

I couldn't help but stare at her while she's sleeping. She's literally an angel...I didn't realise I was staring for straight 5 minutes. She opened her eyes and giggled. I snapped out of my thoughts. "oh.. Hey" I said giggling. I blushed when she.. Basically caught me staring at her sleep like a creep or something

"were you watching me sleep this whole time?" she asked raising an eyebrow. "maybe..sorry" I said nervously laughing slightly. "no, I find it cute. Don't apologise, I probably look disgusting when I sleep, especially if I snore" she said.

I frowned. "what, no! Quite the opposite my love" I said smiling. She blushed and smiled. I know she loves when I call her 'my love' so I keep doing it. I love it as well. It melts my heart and I feel warm inside whenever she calls me anything in general.

She calls me maxie sometimes too. Not so often but I kinda like it when she does. If anyone else called me that I would probably rip their head off.

"are you feeling better?" she asked sitting up straight since she was sort of laying, almost fell off the chair. "yeah I think so" I said. She smiled relieved. "with you by my side.. Everything is fine" I said smiling looking at her with pure love in my eyes.

She smiled. "of course I'll be by your side.. No matter what, because I love you. Isn't that what girlfriends do?" she said smiling. "hmm I think so" I said as she giggled slightly.

Suddenly we heard voices. "boo" we heard. We both screamed. It was the boys.. Jeez. They love scaring us. "is everything okay?" a nurse came running in the room worriedly. We all froze in embarrassment. "Yeah, we're okay" I said. The nurse nodded seeing the boys and probably suspected what happened so she left.

The boys started laughing the second the nurse left. "it's not funny! You almost gave us a heart attack!" el said annoyed. "sorry..but you should have seen the look on your faces" Dustin said still laughing.

I rolled by eyes. "wait.. Where is your mom and Billy?" lucas asked once he stopped laughing. "my mom's at the store and Billy is somewhere I don't know" I said shrugged. They nodded.

"cool" Mike said. "so we're alone?" lucas smirked. "oh no, are you planning on murdering us?" I joked. "nah, not yet" Mike joked. "we brought uno cards and.. Snacks!" will said smiling showing us the bag he was holding. Will is one it my favourite. He's so sweet and calm, unlike Dustin and lucas who talk loudly 24/7.

"woah thanks!" el and I said at the same time excited. Not gonna lie, even though we have each other all day in the hospital we hey bored easily because what else is there to do in a hospital? We planned on going to dates, hang out to some places. We talked a lot during the day.

I wouldn't choose anyone else to spend my time with. She makes me forget that I've been shot, that I'm hurting, everything that had happened. Neil, everything..

"dude, nick keeps asking if you're okay all day" Mike said annoyed. I looked at el. I can't with this guy.. Is he trying to our relationship he doesn't even know about? "tell him I'm okay so he stops asking" I said.

"but-" Mike said. "what do you want me to say Mike? I told him that I don't feel the same way and he keeps bothering me" I said. "did you tell her you're with el?" Dustin asked. "no, we can't" el said. I'm glad she understands how we can't tell anyone but it pisses me off, the fact that we can't tell anyone. It's so unfair.. Everyone can express their love freely but we can't.

The boys nodded understanding. "you're right.. Sorry" Mike apologised. "it's fine, don't apologise" I said. Me and Mike wheeler not arguing is pretty rare. We don't hate each other we just don't get so well along.

We've been playing for half an hour now. Dustin got mad because he kept losing. "come on, try again Dustin!" will said. "I'm pretty sure Mike is cheating!" Dustin said annoyed. "I'm not!!" Mike argued back. We couldn't help but laugh at the two boys arguing over stupid uno cards. Casually them


Robin's pov

We heard the door opening while Nancy and I were kissing. It was Steve. He saw us.. "what the-" he said confused. I couldn't tell if he was mad or not..

1306 words. To be continued!!
Guess who got covid😍😂oh well, I'll try to write more often since I'm at home💪I don't promise because I randomly lose motivation😀😭 my apologies

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