Chapter 59: Max& Susan

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(a/n: I didn't know what to name this chapter so go with it pls haha)

Max's pov

My mom shook us go wake up. I look around confused. El and I were cuddled up on the couch. "w-what?" I asked my mom confused. "Come on, hopper is here to pick up el, you both had fallen asleep while watching a movie" my mom said.

El opened her eyes as well. "what time is it?" el asked. "it's 8" my mom said. "and hopper's outside?" el asked a bit sleepy still. My mom nodded. "Okay" el said quietly standing up. I stood up as well. El was about to walk away but she hugged me before.

I hugged back smiling. "uhh where are my shoes?" she asked looking around the living room. "oh they're here" my mom said. "thanks" el said as she put them on. "bye! See you tomorrow at school max!" el said waving at me in the doorway before walking outside. "see you el!" I said waving back smiling.

My mom waited for el to get into hopper's car. She then closed the door. "The tree looks amazing" my mom said. "yeah" I said agreeing. "good thing el had thought of the idea because I'm busy at work and stuff i wouldn't have time for the tree as well" my mom said. I nodded agreeing.

"Will Robin and Steve join us at Christmas?" my mom asked. "didn't you invite her?" I asked. She already invited Nancy, Jonathan since she called the Byers and the wheelers house. "Uh no I don't have their numbers, could you call them please?" my mom said.

"yeah sure" I said smiling. "I'll call them in a bit" I said. My mom nodded. "Anyways, I'll go make food. I told hopper if el could stay for dinner but he said it was okay" my mom said. "oh okay, what are we having for dinner?" I asked. "uhh pasta?" she asked. My eyes lighted up. I nodded smiling.

It's one of my favourite food. Especially my mom's. I mean, the hospital's was a bit good as well but only a little. She suddenly walked towards me and hugged me. I hugged back confused. "What was that for?" I asked chuckling. "Nothing I just wanted to hug my daughter" she said smiling

"you may want this" she said getting something from her pocket. She pulled out a Polaroid picture. It was a picture of el and I earlier when we were sleeping on the couch. "did you take that earlier?" I asked. She nodded. "it was so cute I couldn't help myself" she said smiling

My mom thinking el and I together are together and not disgusting melted my heart. She's not like other parents and that makes me so happy. "aww, thank you" I said. "Wanna put it on the fridge with our other pictures?" she asked smiling. "you don't mind?" I asked.

She frowned. "why would I mind it?" she asked confused. "I don't know" I said nervously laughing. "max.. you don't think I feel embarrassed by your and El's relationship right?" she asked seriously.

I looked at her. I shook my head. "No stop thinking like that max. I want anyone who comes into our house to see our fridge and see how happy and lucky my daughter is and if they say something bad I don't care at all" she said

That made me tear up a little. I smiled. She wiped away a tear that accidentally fell. I hugged her. "thank you" I whispered as I hugged her tightly. She rubbed my back.

"of course honey" she whispered back. We then pulled away. "alright I should go cook I'm starving" she said dramatically. I laughed a little and nodded. She took the picture and went to the kitchen and put it on the fridge.

I walked to my room. I changed my clothes. I laid on my bed listening to music until I realised that I forgot to call Steve and Robin to invite them for Christmas. I stood up and grabbed the phone. I called Robin first.

"Hello?" I heard Robin's voice. "hi Robin! It's max" I said. I loved Robin, she's like my older sister. I can tell her anything without her judging me and she helps me a lot when I need her.

"ohhh my favourite ginger! Hello!" she said excitedly. I frowned. "Favourite ginger?I think I'm the only ginger girl you know" I said chuckling. "Exactly, you're the one and only" she said making me laugh again.

"thanks i guess?" I said. "Anywayss my mom and I would like to invite you here for Christmas" I said. She gasped. "really??" she asked. "yes?" I said slightly laughing. "Ooo I would love to!" she said excitedly.

"wait-is Nance gonna be there?" she asked. "Uh yeah? Also wouldn't you come if Nancy wasn't there" I joked. "Uhh no I would come anyway you know that red" she said. I rolled my eyes at her stupid nickname. "ohh okay, also... Cute nickname for Nancy. Nance huh?" I teased her smirking.

I heard her laughing. "Shut upp pretend that you never heard that" she said. "oh ill for sure tell her" I joked. "Maxine mayfield don't you dare-" she loudly said. "woah there calm down Robin I'm just joking" I said. "oh good" she said laughing slightly.

"wait! I hadn't told you yet, could you please help me ask Nancy to be my girlfriend?" she asked. I frowned. "I thought you were already dating?" I said confused. "Uhh we're just going out, we hadn't made anything official" she said.

"ohh okay. Sure I can help, how are you planning on asking her?" I asked. "uhh I don't know yet, wanna hang out tomorrow to help me out and think of something" she asked hopefully. "uhh I think el told me she would go to the mall with Joyce after school so I guess I'm free" I said.

"what do you mean you think? Didn't you listen to her while she was talking or were you staring at her lip-" she said. I could tell she was smirking while saying that.

"Oh my god stop! I wasn't staring at her lips" I said. "suree" she mocked. I rolled my eyes. "whatever come over to my house after school" I said. "Yess! Thank you max" she said. I laughed. "no problem, anyways I have to go. I gotta call Steve to invite him as well" I said.

"wait Steve isn't at his house at the moment" she said. I frowned. "where is he?" I asked. "He's here in my apartment, uhh he broke up with a girl who cheated on him" she said. (a/n:uhh don't judge me because I don't remember if Robin and Steve are living together in this story, I think they were my other book but okay. Yes, my dumbass forgot about my own book oops💀🤦‍♀️)

"wait actually? Is he okay, since did Steve have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"Uhh for like a few weeks it didn't last long but he's like crying a little. But don't tell him I told you that" she said. "he shouldn't be ashamed for crying. Boys can cry as well but okay I won't tell anyone I guess" I said.

"well okay then..i gotta go comfort him. I'll tell him about the invitation if you want" she said. "Uhh if you can" I said. "alright red, see you tomorrow" she said. "see you Rob" I said smiling and then hung up. I then put on some music on my headphones. I then fell asleep.

1262 words. To be continued!

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