Chapter 51: Studying

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Max's pov

We stopped playing Truth Or dare after a while. They all left. It was the Byers family, hopper and el. El and I were in my room. "dad, can I stay at Max's for a bit? We have to copy some stuff from school that we've missed" el asked hopper. Hopper looked at me and back at el.

"Sure, I'll pick you up at 6 then" hopper said. "Okay thank you!" el esis hugging him. Then they all left. "Alright, I'll go take a shower, don't lock your door" my mom said. My face turned red. "Jeez mom we're gonna study" I said. I looked at el who tried to hold her laughter. My mom nodded unsure.

"why are you laughing" I asked slightly laughing along with her. "I don't know, your face was red for some reason" she said laughing. "Stop" I said nudging her shoulder playfully. "alright, let's go because time passes fast" el said getting her backpack. She told hopper to get all her school books and everything before surprising me apparently.

We sat on my bed. "I told will to pass us his books and notebooks" el said. "why him?" I asked out of curiosity. "because I can tell his handwriting unlike Mike, Dustin and lucas" el said. I laughed. "makes sense" I said.

"Mike just writes so messy i can't tell" el said. "I agree" I said. I groaned. "how many are there" I complained. "we're almost at the end" el said. "here, I can write them for you" el said grabbing my notebook. "Oh no, don't worry about it, I can do it" I said.

"we're almost done anyway" I said. She nodded. We only had maths, physics, English, science and chemistry left. It felt like forever. It was so boring.

I couldn't help but glace over el a few times. At some point she frowned, she seemed confused. I looked sneakily over her notebook. She was studying and copying some stuff in maths. I see why she's so confused.

She looked adorable, I just kept staring at her, admiring her features. Her beautiful brown hair, gorgeous brown eyes, her cute little nose, her lips-

Suddenly she caught me staring. I looked away immediately going back to writing whatever I was copying from Will's notebook. She giggled. I looked up are her frowning pretending I don't know why she's laughing.

"what?" I asked playing dumb. "were you staring at me?" she asked smiling. I could feel my face turning bright pink. "Me? Nah" I said scoffing making her laugh. "are you sure? I felt eyes on me" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"positive" I said looking at her. She smirked. I couldn't help but laugh a little. "I knew it" she said. "Okay, just a little" I admitted. "suree" she said. "stop, I couldn't help it, you're too cute" I said. She went from giggling to silent.

She blushed. It was then my turn to laugh at her red face. "aww" I said pinching her cheek gently to tease her. She showed my hand away playfully as she smiled. We stared at each other's eyes for a few seconds.

I looked down at her lips and then at her beautiful brown eyes. I noticed her doing the same. I didn't realise I was slowly leaning in when our lips touched. I smiled through the kiss.

After a few seconds of making out she pulled away and looked at the clock I had on my wall. "it's 16:30 pm we don't have much time love" she said. I rolled my eyes playfully. She looked at me and giggled.

I love her laugh. "Just one more kiss?" I asked with puppy eyes. She smiled, nodded as she leaned in and gave me one last peck on my lips. I laughed and then leaning in for another quick kiss without her expecting it.

"You said one more" she said smirking. I smiled. "Well, I lied" I said. "friends don't lie though" she said. "We're not friends" I said. She rolled her eyes. "I'm aware" she said. I laughed slightly.

"Now let's go back to studying, you're distracting me" el said grabbing her pen and went back to writing. I smiled. "how dare I" I joked. She looked at me seriously.
"fine fine" I said doing the same as her.

Suddenly my mom bursted in without knocking of course. "Oh hey" my mom said. "why don't you knock?!" I asked annoyed. "I forgot" she said lying as usual. "whatever, what did you want?" I asked.

"uhh, I made cookies if you want to come join Billy and I downstairs" my mom said with a sweet smile on her face. "Billy's home?" I asked. My mom nodded. I looked at el. "Wanna go?" I asked el. El nodded. "alright let's go" I said grabbing her hand.

We walked downstairs seeing Billy sitting on the island already eating a cookie. "couldn't you wait for us, you already started eating" I said. "It's not my fault, the cookies smell amazing. I could smell it from the front door once I walked in" he said with his mouth full.

I frowned. "jeez, close your mouth, disgusting" I said. He rolled his eyes as el laughed next to me. We sat down with him as well. My mom was placing plates in front of us.

We started eating. "these are amazing Mrs. Mayfield" el said smiling. "How many times do I have to tell you el? Call me Susan" my mom said. "right.. Sorry" el said smiling. So did you study?"my mom asked. We both nodded.

"Thank you el, for being there for max" my mom randomly said. El looked up. "of course" el said. I smiled at her, she smiled back. "wait you're gonna go to school?" Billy asked. I nodded. "Isn't it too early? You can barely walk" Billy said.

"that's not true! I can walk" I said. Billy laughed. "you walk like an old lady" Billy said. "Billy!" my mom angrily said. "I'm just joking" Billy said. I rolled my eyes. "so funny" I said.

"I called your school and told them you'll be going there by the way, I told hopper to do the same with el" my mom informed. El and I nodded. "But if you feel like you can't go, if it hurts, if you struggle please tell me-" my mom said but I cut her off.

"yeah I know mom, I'll tell you" I said. She's told me that more than 5 times already. After 10 minutes of eating the cookies we went back to my room. We continued writing. It was 17:50. Hopper would come pick el up in 10 minutes.

"el, your dad is here!" my mom yelled from downstairs. "Okay" el yelled back. She started packing her books in her backpack. "Do you have to goo?" I complained. "yes love, hopper wants to 'help me' study he said" el said. "Finee" I said. She looked at me and smiled.

I smiled back. She just kept staring at me smiling. "What?" I asked giggling. "nothing, you're just so cute" she said. "says you" I said smiling. "alright I have to go" she said zipping her back, walking towards me as she kissed me. "see you baby" el said smiling before turning around. "see you!" I said smiling. I smiled to myself. I was so happy.

1236 words. To be continued!!

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