Chapter 5: Why Won't She Tell me?

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El's pov

After Billy left none of us said anything until lucas. "oh el.. how nice to see you" lucas said with a weird expression. It was obviously sarcastic but why would he? I didn't do anything to him. Maybe because of max I don't know. No matter what max did, lucas shouldn't have reacted like that. She was so upset. I was so confused. I don't understand why lucas was being such an assihole. What confuses me even more is why is will so mad? There's something max doesn't tell me and I want to know badly. There's no way Billy and will are so mad just because max likes another guy and lucas yelled at her, something else must have lucas done to max when she's that upset and Will knows,i feel it. I just looked at lucas confused. After a second max walked away, dropping my hand. "what the fuck is going on?!" I asked. Both lucas and will didn't answer. "ask your bestie" lucas seriously mockingly said. "look lucas, you're my friend but whatever you did to max that doesn't tell me is pretty messed up. I've never seen max so upset before so leave her alone okay?" I angrily said and walked away before he could even respond. I walked to class and saw max sitting staring at the ground. She was spaced out. I sat down next to her. She still didn't notice me, damn she's deep in thoughts. So I grabbed her hand gently.

Max's pov

I was spaced out until someone grabbed my hand. Before I turned to look who it was I could already tell. It was el's warm hand. I looked at her. "hey, are you okay?" she asked. I nodded. "are you sure?you can talk to me about it-" she said but I cut her off. "it's okay el, I'm fine, I-I don't wanna talk about it but thanks" I said smiling. I could tell she was disappointed but I didn't have a choice, I can't just say 'hey I have a crush on you that's why lucas hares me'. The teacher then come in class. "alright everyone, today you'll be working on a project! And you'll choose a partner to work with"the teacher said with a big smile. I smiled at the thought that maybe el and I will work together. "should we work together!" el asked smiling widely. "yeah sure-" I said smiling but Mike cut us off. "hey el, wanna work together?" Mike asked smiling. My heart dropped. Why Mike? Jeez he's always getting on my nerves. "um-I'll work with max" el said apologetically. "what? You don't want me? You always hang out with max" Mike complained. Is he for real? "because she's my best friend Mike, I can't hang out with you all the time" el replied. "el it's fine-go" I said. I didn't want her to go,not at all but I didn't have a choice. It's her boyfriend, she doesn't like me and never will. She's straight max, just accept it. Why is it so hard. Being in love is the worst thing ever. Wait-did I just say in love. I think I fell in love with el. I never felt like this. It doesn't feel like just a crush. "but-" el said but Mike cut her off by grabbing her hand with his disgusting long fingers. Ugh. I wish i could hold her hand. We do hold hands but it's just friendly. I like when we hold hands but it hurts a lot at the same time. Knowing she doesn't like me. "see el, max doesn't mind" Mike said with his stupid goofy smile. "sorry" el whispered at me. I nodded faking a smile to ressure her that it was fine, but it wasn't. It's selfish from me I know but I can't help it. I know it's just a project but I get to spend time with el and have fun. But Mike is doing that instead. It's always been Mike. I don't even know why I think I have chances with el anymore it's pointless. "hey max! Wanna work together?" I heard Dustin said smiling behind me. "yeah sure, wait you're not working with lucas?" I asked. "no, I wanted to work with you plus lucas will work with someone else since Will and lucas aren't on good terms right now for some reason" he said. "oh.. okay sure thanks" I said smiling. Dustin might be doing stupid stuff sometimes but he's actually a really good friend. He always knows how to cheer people up,with just a smile and positive energy.

*at the end of the school*

All of us were walking out of school. "max" I heard el saying. "yeah?" I asked. "wanna come over at my house to hang out?" el excitedly asked. "yeah sure I would love to" I said smiling matching her energy. She then pulled me into a hug. I love hugging her. I'm not really a physical touch kind of person but I love it deep down. Especially when it comes to el. After we pulled away Mike suddenly took el out of nowhere. My face fell, its like someone shot me in the heart. He grabbed her cheek and kissed her and she kissed back.. of course she would max, its her boyfriend and she loves him. Get over it goddammit. I just stood there awkwardly until I heard the familiar sound of Billy's car. Shit, he was there the whole time. With no second thought I walked over there since el was busy making out with Mike. I didn't want to bother them and stand there to watch my crush kissing the guy I dislike. I wish I was him. But el grabbed my hand. "um-bye max, see you later okay?" el asked kind of worried but smiled. I just nodded smiling slightly. I'm not so good at hiding my jealousy which is a big problem. I then walked into Billy's car. I didn't even say hello to him. "um-hey max?" he said. "what?" I asked annoyed while I was still thinking about el and Mike kissing. "just-i don't know" he said quietly. Okay what was that for? He then rubbed my back to comfort me I guess? "it's okay-I'm sure it's just a kiss-" he said.  "Billy, that guy is her boyfriend and she loves him so I don't have a chance so drop it, I don't want to talk about it, it's pointless" I said. Billy must have understood me and stopped talking and drove.

1107 words. Btw it's not summer holidays I made a mistake in the start of the story, they're going to school sorry

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