Chapter 80: The Incident Part 2

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Max's pov

El and I were still in the bathroom waiting for hopper to come. She had told me more stuff that he said.

My heart was in pain with what just happened. She didn't deserve any of this. No one deserves such a thing. I noticed all the bruises on her stomach, it hurt me a lot to see that.

El's head was resting on my shoulder, I had my arm around her, caressing her hair gently.

"Are you sure you're comfortable with me touching you el?" I asked. She was flinching at times, I knew she didn't mean to. But if someone started touching me like that without my approval.

"Yes max I told you.. You're my girlfriend I trust you with my life I'm just still in shock of what just happened, I still feel his disgusting hands touching me" she said. Her voice broke at the end.

"I will fucking kill him" I whispered to myself but loud enough for el to hear. "max.." she said. "I'm not joking" I said. "I love you max" she suddenly said. "I love you too.. So much" I said kissing her head softly.

She didn't flinch this time. "I don't want hopper to know, or anyone" el said quietly. "he has to el.. He's your dad" I said. "I don't want thin to worry, I'm okay" she said.

"you're not el.. I'm sorry for what happened, I should have came with you-" I said. "Max.. I told you, it's not your fault, I was just going to the bathroom I wasn't expecting this to happen" she said, getting off of me to look at me.

I nodded slowly. She stared at me sadly for a couple of seconds. "maxie.. Please don't blame yourself" she said softly with sad eyes. I nodded, with tears in my eyes. "I'm so glad you came.." she said leaning for a hug.

"Of course.." I whispered hugging her tightly. "I wasn't expecting Angela to help me.." el said. "me either" I said. "I'm so glad she did otherwise he would have done worse" I said. "yeah" she agreed.

"I was so scared maxie..i didn't know what to do-" she said,her voice broke at the end. "I know baby.. I know" I whispered still hugging her tightly. El and I then pulled away, I put my arms around her, her arms wrapped around my waist as we did earlier, her head resting on my shoulder.

After about two minutes of silence,the girls came back. "hey-" Angela said. In other cases I would have pulled away from el because it would be obvious that we are gay, the way we cuddled at that moment but I didn't care at all. My girlfriend needed me the most so who cares about them finding out

Plus I think the girls and Angela found out by me calling el baby so there was no point of hiding. They looked at bit confused though but oh well. "we-uh told the principal and he's like outside right now, waiting for you" Angela said. We nodded.

El had already put on her shirt and the sweatshirt she was wearing on top of it. We nodded, I stood up and then held my hand to help el get up. We then all got out of the bathroom.

I could tell el was very embarrassed but she knew she had no other choice. "hey.. Are you okay Mrs. Hopper?" the principal asked. El nodded. "Come to my office, we called your dad, he's on his way" the principal said. We nodded.

"you girls should come as well" he said. They all looked at each other and they followed us. We got into his office. It was el, the three girls, Angela and I. And the principal obviously. "Okay so.. The girls told me what happened, I've already sent teachers to find this guy" he said.

"So Jane.. Can you please tell me what happened? Exactly" he said. El looked at him and then looked down. I suddenly grabbed her hand. I had a gut that she needed it. No matter how much we wanted to not to tell anyone. The girls already know, let's hope the principal thinks it's just a friends thing or something.

Suddenly hopper bursted in without even knocking. He looked so worried. He then went to hug el. El flinched at first but then hugged back. "Are you okay?" he asked worridly pulling away. El nodded.

"what happened?" hopper asked standing next to the principal's desk. he tried again. "didn't the girls already told you sir?" I asked confused and annoyed but tried to be polite.

"Yes they did,i just want to hear what happened from Jane" he said. "Obviously she's not feeling comfortable right now Sir-" I said. "Maxine.. Please let her talk, I'm just trying to help" he said softly. I nodded.

"Jane..I'm here,please tell us what happened" hopper said gently. We had to call el Jane at school. El looked at me. I smiled and squeezed her hand gently. "I-I was walking to the bathroom, a guy was following me, I got into the bathroom quickly, I was about to lock myself in a stall but I was too late" el started saying quietly as we all waited patiently for her.

"I-i once punched his friend, so he got mad" el said. Obviously she couldn't tell the entire story. "what happened after?" the principal asked as el paused. "He started yellying at me" el said embarrassed. She couldn't mention the abuse and rape part, it was hard for her.

"Okay Jane.." the principal started. "The girls over here told me that, that guy hurt you and tried to rape you.. Is that correct? the principal said. I could feel el shivering. Hopper was holding back tears. The principal must have already told him through the phone

El nodded. The principal looked shocked and worried. "where did he hurt you?" he asked. "el it's okay,you can tell us" hopper tried as el stayed quiet. I didn't blame her for not talking.

"He punched my stomach a few times and a slap" el said quietly. "when I screamed for help he started taking off my shirt-then started kissing and biting it-" el said. Her voice was breaking trying not to cry again.

"Did he do more?" he asked. "No, Angela came into the bathroom so he ran away" el said. "good.. That's good well done Angela. You stopped something very important" the principal said. Angela just smiled slightly.

After a minute suddenly two people walked in. We frowned. "Hello, please come in" the principal said. Then i realised, it's probably the guy's parents. They stood since there were no longer chairs available

"Mr.Jack and Mrs. Julia, you're here because your son has attempted abuse and almost rape" the principal said. They both gasped. "What? My son would never hurt anyone or rape!" his mom said.

I sighed. "Mrs. I understand you're shocked and surprised, all of us are but we are telling the truth. I wish it wasn't" the principal said. The woman walked in front of el. El seemed a bit scared and confused. "Are you okay?" she asked. El nodded.

"What happened sweetheart?" the guy's mom asked el. "I'm sorry could you please not make her say it all again, it's so difficult for her" hopper kindly said. The woman nodded. At least she understands. "This is unbelievable, my son wouldn't do such a thing!" the guy's dad said, still in denial.

"I'm sorry sir but do you think all these people are here for fun if it wasn't true? Look at us" hopper said getting annoyed. I didn't know why the girls were still here though. Maybe because they were there? In the scene. No clue.

"I'm sorry" the man said. "Do you have any evidence?" the man asked. "What the fuck? I'm sorry for my language, Do you still not believe her? Look at her, Does she seem fine, what evidence do you need?" I said annoyed.

"maxine...Please calm down" the principal said. "Jane.. Please show us the bruises if there are any" the principal softly asked. El looked down. I hated how the pressured her to show. "please..its important" hopper said. A tear fell from El's eye but she quickly wipe it.

She sighed and pulled up her sweatshirt slightly showing her bruised stomach. Everyone gasped. The woman started crying. "Oh my god.. I'm so sorry that happened to you honey.. I-I can't believe my son did-such a thing" the woman said crying.

1444 words. To be continued!

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