Chapter 95: Robin&El&Max

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Robin's pov

It's been hours later. I've been off all day. Steve did try to cheer me up with his most of the times terrible jokes but I was happy that he did. He tried his best to distract me

I kept thinking about how Nancy feels. I felt so bad that I had to ingore her. I hate Ted so much. The store finally closed. "I'm gonna go over to Max's" I told Steve as he was driving.

"okay" he said. "Are you gonna call Nancy or?" he asked a few minutes later. "I honestly don't know Steve" I said sadly staring out the car window. He didn't say anything else

After about 20 minutes we arrived at our apartment first so I can drive. Steve would stay in our apartment. I drove for about 10 minutes. Thank god Max's house isn't far.

I knocked on the door. It was Max's mom though. "Oh hey Robin" max's mom said smiling. "Hello Mrs. Mayfield, is max at home?" I asked. "No, she's at El's house. She'll be back at 20:00" max's mom said. I nodded.

"I don't let her stay for a sleepover though cause its a week day" max's mom said slightly laughing. I laughed a long. "Yeah I agree with you" I said. "You can come in and wait for her if you want" she said

"It's alright, thank you!" I said. She smiled. Then I left. I didn't tell her that I would go over at El's house. It's gonna make me sound weird. Or not, I don't really know

I felt bad.. Maybe i should just stay at home and let them have fun and hangout. But I really needed them at that moment... Especially max. I decided to just go

After a few minutes I arrived at El's house. Will was the one who opened the door. "Oh,hey Robin, is everything okay?" he asked confused. The time was 18:30 so it was kind of an odd time for someone to come over

"oh yeah I just wanted to talk to max, is she here with el?" I asked. I already knew she was but still asked. "Oh yeah she is, come in" he said opening the door for me. "thanks Byers" I said smiling. He rolled his eyes playfully at the nickname

I then walked upstairs at El's room. I heard music inside. They always put music on. I swear they're acting like kids sometimes but I'm glad they're having fun. They're so adorable together.

I knocked on the door. No response. I mean obviously Robin they've got music on and I bet they're making out or something

After a few more knocks I decided to open the door. I walked into seeing el braiding Max's hair. I frowned.

"Robin? What are you doing here?" max asked confused. "oh um I just wanted to see you guys" I said. "Wait-are you braiding Max's hair? Max-" I said jokingly as max threw a pillow at me

"Oh come on Robin we do this all the time, she loves it. I'm not forcing her!" el said giggling as max rolled her eyes playfully. "yeah yeah I know, max is a big softie for el I get it" I said giggling

They already made me feel slightly better just by their presence. "Shut up" max said blushing.

"oh um..ive got some news.." I started as I sat down next to max. El was behind her, doing her hair etc. "what is is? You seem a bit weird? Did something happen?" max asked millions of questions at the same time.

"Slow down love let her speak" el said giggling. "oh right" max said giggling. I laughed along nervously trying to calm my nerves. "So um.. Yesterday, I went over to Nancy's home-" I started saying but they both cut me off. "awww" they both said excitedly. They don't know what comes next though..

"It's not a happy thing. It was all good until her dad walked in at the worst time ever. We were playing piano for fun and then we kissed. He walked in and saw us.." I said quietly.

Their smiles immediately faded as el stopped braiding Max's hair and looked at me. "no he did not.." max said. "What happened after?" el asked. "he started yelling at us.. He kicked me out, i called Nancy after, she told me everything and all. He's been yelling and saying the worst slurs and everything someone could hear" I said sadly

They both looked sad. "Oh.." they both said, clearly not knowing what to say. I wouldn't know either so I don't blame them. "and today.. He came into the place Steve and I work at, he basically started saying how I affect his daughter, calling me disgusting. And that I'm making Nancy think she's a Dyke too and many other things.. I stood there in shock, he threatened the the would hurt us if I still talked to Nancy"i said

Their eyes widened. "what?!" they both said loudly. "He's such an asshole oh my god!" max said angrily. El nudged her arm slightly whenever she cursed. She does that a lot to calm max down. When she's angry she would either do that or like hold her hand

"I know.. And I don't know what to do! Nancy has been calling me all day and can't pick it up and it's driving me insane!" i said fast. A few tears fell before i even realise it. "Robin!! Answer the calls what are you doing?!" max said angrily

"I can't! Ted said he would kill us!" I said finally making eye contact with them as I was pacing around the room. "He won't know obviously!" el said.

"I don't know, okay? I don't know, I'm so worried about Nancy I don't want to get her in trouble" I said, my voice breaking. "The worst part is that she doesn't know why you're ignoring her! She thinks you hate her now Robin!" max said.

"I-I know" I said quietly. El stood up and hugged me. My heart melted at the action. I hugged back quickly. I started crying. Max quickly walked over and joined the hug

"Why is being gay so hard.." I quietly said as I cried. I tried not to cry loud. I didn't want to get the other's attention from downstairs. After some time we pulled away from the hug.

"I've gotta go home.." I said. "thanks for comforting me, and sorry if I ruined your cute couple hangout" I said. "You didn't ruin anything Robin!" el said smiling. She's such a sweetheart, we do not deserve el.

I couldn't help but smile, I love el so much. Same with max. I feel like they're my siblings or something. "Please pick up the phone next time she calls you okay? She's definitely upset and she needs you Robin" max said. "yeah I will" I  said. We all smiled.

Max's pov

Robin then left. El and I looked at each other sadly. "I feel so bad for her" el said. "so do i.. I can't imagine how they both feel right now" I said. El looked at clock. "Nooo" eye whined. "what is it?" I asked frowning. "It's 19:15, you have to leave at 20:00"el said sadly. I felt sad as well

Time passes so fast whenever we're together. I just wished we could live together, cuddling her, kissing her. Spending time with her. I mean I already do but I would love to move out with her. That's what I'm planning on doing in the future

El continued braiding my hair. She was actually good at it it! Plus I love how excited she is whoever I say yes. I love it as well. I may act tough but i love it.

1315 words. To be continued!
Hi! I think I should finish this in 2-3 chapters because I think it's time😃😂

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