Chapter 20: Jancy Breakup

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Jonathan's pov


Nancy and I have been on and off lately. She said she was mostly tired of work and stuff. For example we  sometimes hadn't seen each other for a whole week or so. She says she's tired and wants to sleep after work etc.

So I decided to give her time and space. Today I had decided its time to talk to her. Something is wrong and I want to know what's actually going on. Did I do anything wrong? Those thoughts had been in my head every day.

*later at the wheeler's house*

I knocked on the door. For some reason it was Mike who opened the door. "oh.. Hi Jonathan" he said kinda down. "hi, are you alright?" I asked him as he opened the door for me.

"yeah, why do you ask, are you okay?" he said. "I'm okay, it's just-you seem sad, is everything alright?" I asked. "yeah..i just broke up with el, I'm alright but thanks for asking" he said. Oh.. wasn't expecting that but okay.

"oh.. sorry about that why did you break up" I asked. "we just... decide to be friends" he said smiling a little. I nodded. "okay..good to hear you're still friends" I said as he nodded. (a/n: Jonathan didn't know about El's and Mike's argument and that el likes girls until at lunch in the previous chapter, now it's a flashback)

"um.. Nancy is upstairs" Mike said. I nodded and walked upstairs. I knocked on the door softly. "yeah, who is it?" I heard Nancy quietly asking. "it's-Jonathan" I replied. "oh..come in" she said as I opened the door.

I saw her sitting on her bed watching tv. 8 sat next to her. "hey.." I softly said. "hi" she said. "are you okay?" I asked. She seemed off. Like usually lately. "yeah" she said, eyes still glued on the tv. "look nance, I think we should talk" I said. She sighed and slowly looked at me.

"about-about what?" she asked, for some reason she seemed scared. "about us.." I said. She didn't say anything which scared me. I knew something was wrong and I desperately wanted to fix it. To know if I did anything.

"Something is wrong between us lately.. I don't know. I know you said you need time for work and stuff.. I respect that but i have a gut feeling that it's not only that.." I said softly. I didn't want to sound rude. I genuinely wanted to know what's actually going on between us.

"why would you say that?" she asked avoiding the question somehow. I looked down. "because you've been distant.. I thought it was because of work but like I said, I think it's not only that and I just.. Want to know if I did anything that upsets you, did I do anything wrong?" I asked. She looked like she was about to cry when I looked up to her.

"woah.. I'm sorry are you okay?" I asked worriedly. "I-I don't know Jonathan" she said sobbing. Now I was even more confused. "w-what do you mean?" I asked putting my hand on her shoulder.

She gulped, still looking down as tears streamed down her face. "you didn't do anything Jonathan... I'm the problem, please don't blame yourself you did nothing wrong" she said slowly. "what? Nance you're scaring me, did something happen?" I asked.

"Jonathan... here's the thing, I thought we were distant because of my work. I thought it was, just like I told you.. I think I know the real reason, and it's not your fault. It's all on me" she said. "what? I'm so confused and worried, what do you mean Nance? I don't understand" I said.

"I'm sorry.. you wouldn't understand" she said crying. I frowned. "why?" I whispered confused. "you just wouldn't.." she quietly said covering her face with her hands, still crying.

"then help me understand... please, you can talk to me babe, is it Steve? Did he do something, did you get back together? " I said."what? No! It's just-you'll hate me forever" she said. "what? No, I would never hate you Nancy, why would you say that?" I said.

She shook her head. "please Nancy.. I promise I won't be mad. I just want to know what's wrong. You don't trust me?" I said.

"It's not that I don't trust you.. Of course I trust you it's just scary.." she said. "what? What's scary, Nancy you're scaring me.. Please tell me" I was practically begging her at this point. It broke my heart seeing her like this. I was getting even more worried.

"okay..." she whispered after a minute of her crying. I gave her time to calm down. "I-I think I like Robin" she managed to let out before crying again. My heart shattered.

"what? Steve's friend, that works with him?" I asked confused. She nodded. "oh.." I whispered looking away. She let out another sob as she looked at me with fear. "holy shit.." I whispered standing up in disbelief. I wasn't mad I was judt confused and upset.

"i wasn't expecting that.." I whispered rubbing my neck nervously, not knowing how to react, I didn't want to hurt her. I was shocked though.

"I'm sorry" she said crying. "it's.. It's fine, just let me process this Nancy. I'm not mad just..give me time" I quietly said. "okay.." she quietly said.

It's been a minute, I was pacing. I don't know it was shocking to me at first. "does she know" I asked quietly, not making eye contact with her. "no.." she said. "I didn't cheat on you Jonathan.. I just figured it out-" she said.

"why didn't you tell me? You know I wouldn't be mad" I said softly looking at her. "I was scared.." she quietly said. "i thought we trusted each other" I said. "I know.. I do trust you..its just different Jonathan.. Its more.. complicated" she said. I nodded.

"okay..." I said. "okay?" she asked looking at me. "it's.. it's fine, I understand" I said smiling sadly. My heart was broken but was also broke me is seeing her upset, scared, I don't know she seemed really scared and nervous. And I never want to ever see her like this. I didn't want to be a jerk.

"you do? You're-you're not mad?" she asked. "no, it still hurts.. A lot but I understand Nancy.. I understand. It's scary so I'm not mad at you,not at all.Its not your fault and I understand that" I said softly.

Causing her to cry again. I thought of will for some reason. I'm pretty sure he likes boys and I can see how scared.. how terrified he is.

How upset he looks when he sees at Mike and el. But he's been hiding it. I never forced him to tell me anything. I just tell him that he can talk to me about anything,hoping he would open up to me. I hope one day he does.

I'm not going to force him, I'll give him time. And I didn't want nancy to feel bad about it, no matter how much it hurts.. 

"thank you.. I'm so sorry Jonathan" she said. I pulled her into a hug. "its okay, don't apologise" I said quietly hugging her tightly. I want to let her know I'm here for her. I let her cry on my shoulder.

"why are you so nice about this? I broke your heart" she asked after a minute, pulling away from the hugging frowning. "because I love you.. And I care about you and the last thing I want is to hurt you" I said smiling sadly. I tear accidentally fell. I quickly wiped it away. Nancy's face soften. She must have noticed.

"im sorry, its okay don't cry, I'm so sorry" she said. "yeah it's okay, and stop apologising please" I said as a few tears fell. "just so you know.. I did love you.. I still do, just not in the same way anymore" she said looking at me. I wiped away a few tears.

"yeah?" I asked. "yeah.. you're such a nice man Jonathan, the kindest man I've me and you were a really good boyfriend I just ruined you, it's my fault, I don't deserve you. I really hope you find the right girl for you" she said smiling sadly caressing my cheek softly.

"thank you.. you were a good girlfriend too nance" I said sniffing. "I-I should go, thank you for telling me" I said. "okay.."she said as I turned around about to leave. "but Jonathan?" I heard her saying and turned around.

"can be-can we still be friends?" she asked. "yeah.. Of course, but promise you won't keep secrets from me again, I won't tell anyone about this" I said. "oh.. Yeah of course I won't keep any secrets and thank you, i appreciate it.

If it was someone else, he wouldn't be okay with it and tell everyone, so thank you.. "she said smiling. I smiled back. "no problem" I said. I then left.

1556  words. To be continued!
I am so sorry for late update, I've lost motivation these days I don't know why, I'm sorry😭

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