Chapter 68: Bowling Alley Part 2

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Max's pov

"let's go get cotton candy! Do they have any here?" el asked. "Yeah I think they do! Wanna go check?" I asked excitedly. She nodded. She grabbed my hand. We waited in the line.

We didn't realise we were still holding hands until a little kid spoke. "Why are you holding hands?" a little boy curiously asked. He was probably like 5 years old or something. El and I looked at each other and then at our interwined hands.

We didn't know what to say. "Uhh cause we're-a couple" I said. I was going to say best friends but I didn't want that kid to think it's wrong, if that makes sense.

"A couple? They say it's wrong" the kid said stuttering like kids do. "It's not wrong. It doesn't matter who you love" el said softly bending down to be in the same height as the kid. I found it cute.

The kid smiled. "but-but only boys  and girls kiss-I had never seen two girls holding hands!" the kid said. "oh um-" el stuttered. "That's not true.. people think it is but its not" el softly said. "It's not?" the boy softly asked. El shook her head.

"Is your hair real?" he suddenly asked looking up at me. I was confused by all this. A random little kid coming and talking to us. Okay I guess. "yeah my hair is real" I said giggling. So did el.

"Ooo can I touch it!" he said excitedly. I keep getting looks from kids in public to be honest because red hair aren't that common. "Uh sure" I said. I bended down as well. "wow!!" he said smiling.

Kids are so funny and cute sometimes you could show them a rock and they would he excited. "I have never seen this hair color" he quietly said still running his small hands through my hair.

El looked at me and smiled. "Yeah it's not common" I said. "What's 'common'?" he asked. "Oh um-it means that it's not a usual hair color, not so many people have it" I explained.

"ohh okay-I understand thanks" he said. "What's that?" he asked once the guy gave passed me the cotton candy once it was ready. "cotton candy , would you like some?" el asked softly. She's so cute and sweet.

The boy's eyes light up and nodded. He grabbed a big piece and ate. I smiled. "thank you" he said. He kept staring at el. She has a baby face and she's adorable so it's reasonable.

El looked at me and giggled by all this. So did I. "

The boy smiled. A woman suddenly walked towards us. "Hey who are you two and why are you talking to my son?" the woman asked. "oh um-" I didn't know what to say. "mom look! They're a couple isn't it cool!" the boy said a little bit too loud.

The woman frowned and looked at us. "come on lucas let's go" the woman said grabbing the little kid's hand. The boy suddenly ran and hugged el. El hugged back confused, her upper body since he's short he's a little kid. Then he hugged me as well.

His mom didn't know what to say. I could tell she thought what we were was wrong but didn't want to say anything. She tried to get her son away from us since the boy told her. I didn't expect anything else.

"lucas, that's enough come here" the woman said. "have a nice day  girls" the woman said smiling. So she's not homophobic? Who knew?  "you too" we both replied.

El and I looked at each other and started laughing slightly. "what just happened?" el asked giggling. "I have no clue" I said. Then we walked back to the bowling Alley with the others. Turns out they were at the arcade next.

"what took you so long?" will asked who was next to Mike, who was playing a game with Dustin and lucas. "A kid was talking to us, he was really sweet" el said smiling. Then we told him what happened and stuff. "awww that's so cute" he said giggling. "I know right, it was so random but it was cute" I said.

Once el and I ate our candy floss we went to try a claw machine. It was a one with a stuffed animal. Mike was desperately trying to get one. "come on Mike you've tried 5 times" I said annoyed. "One last time" he said putting a coin into the claw machine.

After he was done he let us. He didn't get anything. "Alright wanna try?" I asked el. She nodded. She's tried two times. She trying to catch a stuffed panda. "Alright I give up, you try" she said laughing.

"alright" I said. I've tried a few times. I then caught it. I cheered. "Oh come on! How did you do it!?" Mike said as he was playing an other game. I shrugged. "Here! For you!" I said passing el the panda. She smiled. "Really? You got it, why would I get it?" she asked frowning

"because I want you to have it" I said smiling. She smiled. She stared at my lips for a split second. "I wish I could kiss you right now" she quietly said. "me too" I said back. We then played a target game.

We were both good at it not gonna lie. "Oooo we're a good team" I said as we were playing. El smiled. It happened we both went to get the same ball to throw. We both looked at each other and blushed when our hands touched.

946 words. To be continued!
Hi! Sorry this chapter is a bit short. I might not update so often because I have exams.

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