Chapter 8: Steve's Mad

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El's pov

After Mike and lucas left, the cookies were ready after. "they smell amazing" max happily said. She got excited for some reason. "do you like cookies that much? You seem happy" I said smiling.

"cookies are my favourite! My dad and I used to bake a lot before I came to Hawkins" max said smiling. I smiled seeing her like this. Her smile is adorable too, the way her nose scrunches up when she laughs or smiles. "alright time to eat" Will excitingly said sitting down on the kitchen island.

He didn't really help to be honest, he mostly washed the dishes since max and I were doing the rest. "they're soo good!" will said while chewing. Max and I looked at each other and smiled proudly.

"well, thanks to max, I didn't do much" I said smiling at her. Her face soften,her face turned bright pink lightly. "Nope, we did it together, we got skills" max said smiling, I smiled back. I took a cookie and put it in my mouth.

A piece of hair fell on my face as I bended down to take the cookie. Max helped me and put it behind my ear. I tried my best not to blush, but of course I did. I just hoped they wouldn't notice. I smiled at max instead as a thank you and ate it.

"oh my god, these cookies are the best ones I've eaten so far!!" I said excitedly. They were actually really good, I didn't say it just to make max happy, they were really good. Max blushed and smiled. "thanks, it's my dad's recipe" max said proudly. "and skills" max added smirking proudly.

Will and I laughed. "well thank you to..?what's your dad's name?" Will asked. "Sam" max said. "thank you Sam" both will and I said as max laughed.

We started eating in silence until max broke it. "I miss him" max said. Will and I stopped eating. "who?" I asked. "my dad" she replied. I thought she was talking about lucas, oh god stop being jealous for no reason el.

"is he in California right now?" Will asked. Max nodded. "tell us about him" I said. "really? You don't mind?" max asked surprised. "no, why would we?" Will said as max shrugged. "my mom, dad and I used to live in California, before neil"i said.

"we used to do a lot of things together, baking, he showed me how to skate, we watched movies together and many other things, we liked watching the sunsets together, the sunsets in cali are so pretty" max said with a big smile.

She looked...genuinely happy talking about her dad. "that's amazing" I said smiling. "yeah.." she said. "all was good until I came here in Hawkins" she said. "my mom married Neil, who is an asshole and we moved here in this small town" she said. Will and I looked at each other.

"you know, you changed my life, I'm happy now here in Hawkins because of you" max said smiling looking at will and I. "yeah same with you max,thank you" Will said smiling.

We've been chatting for some time while eating the cookies, I then checked the time. I remember that I told Mike to hang out. "um-I should go, Mike's waiting for me" I said.

Will's pov

I got a bit jealous when I heard el saying that. And yeah I do have feelings for Mike. I try to hide them, especially to el. I feel so guilty and bad from keeping this secret from her. But I want her to be happy.

Another thing I noticed is max's face. Her face fell when el said that. I know the reason, I feel bad for her. She really likes el. Or even loves her I don't know.

She's different around el. She's being all soft and gentle with her. Max must love someone so much to be that nice. I'm not saying that max isn't a nice person, it's just she's always tough and stuff.

"is everything okay?" el asked both of us, especially max. Shit, she must have noticed. "y-yeah why?" max asked nervously. "you seem a bit.. down, did I do or say anything-" el said. "no-no you did nothing wrong el don't worry, I was just thinking about something" I lied. "um-yeah same" max said.

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